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  1. 2

    How do you fence in your outdoor Pot Belly Pig?

    Thanks for the great idea's....So what i am thinking is to take down the chicken wire( i had it up there for the bunnies...who dont like to eat weeds..:/.)and put up the other wire and maybe put up " T ' bars(metal bars) on the inside to have something to tie it up to....also I'll bury...
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    How do you fence in your outdoor Pot Belly Pig?

    So what do you think ? Should I use I different kind of wire> add another two or three cedar posts?....I am home almost everyday as we work from home.... I have another question....I know pigs are tillers ....I have perrenial gardens that are mostly a foot or so high ...piled/stacked rocks...
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    How do you fence in your outdoor Pot Belly Pig?

    Okay heres a photo of the garden when we first its hard finding one ...this is half the size of the garden ...When it stops raining .I'll take another photo.....what do you think ...honestly....Have to go help with chores ...YIKES!!
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    How do you fence in your outdoor Pot Belly Pig?

    Good Mornin' ! thanks for the information....I didnt get around to taking the photo because daughter wanted to ride to naturally I had to watch...I'm going to check my photo's later to see if I have a photo.... I am just going to use this area as a place to put him when were not around to watch...
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    How do you fence in your outdoor Pot Belly Pig?

    I was wondering what would be a good fenced in area for a Pot Belly Pig.... What would be good fencing ....? Should it be buried so they cannot get out? Right now i have a veggie garden thats not doing a heck of alot.But grow #$%^&*( weeds !!!......I have a line of raspberries and a line of...
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    Need hour help with Hubby......

    OMG !!!! I WANT A PIG!!!! Thats to funny!!! thanks for the photo!!!
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    Strange love affair...

    thats adorable......
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    Maria Had Twins! Lots of Questions Pics Added

    All I can say is congrats.....and I waiting with you....:pop
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    Need hour help with Hubby......

    When "we do get a pig" .... I plan on having it live outside...if we get a baby should I keep it inside until a certain age...or should i keep it outside in its yard/hut 24/7 so it knows its place....?
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    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    We have done the same thing....well hubby has I have watched...ha ha ha !!!! but after awhile its worth it renting/borrowing/bartering a then end of the day you feel like you have something done....well exspecially here because we grow rocks and boy oh boy when hubby would hit a...
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    Homemade Roundpens, has anyone made one?

    Yes creosote has been banded here ....for the animals sake and the enviroment......we live in swamp land.....
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    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    uh uh ..LOL..we had to in hubby and I :barnie:duc fill in the holes ....
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    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    Good idea....our neighbours helped us out....hubby did some welding for them in return...
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    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    Ha ha ! Our fence line is crooked on the one side because it was the last line to do and the guys using the tractor were getting so angry when something broke....luckily hubby s a welder
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    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    We cemented the corners and at the gates....we grow rocks here....ha ha !! so we just backfilled and tamped it down and then more back fil and tamping it down.....
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    Homemade Roundpens, has anyone made one?

    Interesting post.. .if anyone has a photo of a "gate" round pen that would be great to see....were thinking of making a round pen with wood poles and plastic horse fence ...only problem is alot of work to build it...when theres more important things to build a pig house...and you...
  17. 2

    Hi Y'all!! from Texas

    and you jumped the fence also.....:welcome....from Ontario Canada....and I am also a city slicker gone country....I am jealous your getting goats !!!! but its on my list....;)
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    So you jumped the fence also....:welcome from Ontario Canada
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    Trial Period Liability Agreement?

    No but I would take some good photo's of any scars ...blemishes....bumps....or at least have it written down and signed off....