Ridin' The Range
Hi...I'm new here at BYH...came over from BYC. 
I'm a city girl who moved to the country 6 years ago, and now the country has finally started to take over.
I got 13 chickens in January who I absolutely love and spoil, and now I'm getting 2 goats in a week and a half. I did tons of research before getting my chickens and I hang out on BYC all the time. Now, I feel like I have to take a crash-course in goats before they get here on the 29th. I have the book "Barnyard In Your Backyard" (Storey Publishing) and have read the Goat section. Now I almost feel like I'm LESS educated...ugh, there's so much more to learn about goats than chickens! I know my feestore has books about goats too, so I'll go buy at least one of those today. I'm pretty good at researching and they will have a very happy and healthy home here with me.
I have an acre and a half with lots of wild weedy brushy areas, including wild dewberry vines and poison ivy which makes it hard for us to tame it. I sure hope my new babies will help with that!
Please give me any and all information and advice you can...I need to know EVERYTHING!
I'm a city girl who moved to the country 6 years ago, and now the country has finally started to take over.
I have an acre and a half with lots of wild weedy brushy areas, including wild dewberry vines and poison ivy which makes it hard for us to tame it. I sure hope my new babies will help with that!
Please give me any and all information and advice you can...I need to know EVERYTHING!