My husband and I watched some videos on youtube showing how to trim hooves. I'm sure that isn't the best way to learn but there were a couple of them that gave pretty good detail about what he was doing and why. After watching and listening multiple times... we went out and gave it a try. It...
That's very kind of her. I wish I could find someone around here to help me out with some "lessons". I know my older doe needs hers trimmed. They're not terribly bad... but they're bad enough. Me and my husband may go out today and see if we can at least trim off the bad and then wait to get...
That is a great idea. In fact, I almost mentioned on my last post that I think the reason she is taking so long to befriend is due to the older bigger doe butting her away all the time. But I think she's shy by nature too. I'll give that a try. Just not sure she's going to let...
I have made pets of 5 of my goats. The 6th one is slowly coming around I hope. 5 of them (Billy, Pyxis, Star, Galaxy, and Skye) will all come running to me whether I have food or not. I'll sit on an over turned bucket and they'll vie for my time and lovings. Comet, she hasn't came that far...
I completely understand where all of you are coming from. And if I were a breeder, I'm sure I'd have the same frustrations. However, keep in mind that times are tough right now on alot of families. Alot of people are looking for ways to offset their grocery bills (Me included). This is one of...
definitely a boer cross. Depending on size... I might even guess some spanish. I believe they have slightly longer fur. Uncertain about that. A definite boer characteristics.
She is near Odessa Missouri. Ones that I know she has is boer, nubian, alpine, and toggenburgs. She may have others. Some are purebred, some are registered, some are crosses. If you'll leave me your email I'll pass it on to her and have her get in touch with you. The more you buy the bigger...
My husand brought home a trailer load of oak, maple, and mulberry tree clippings from a job site. We off loaded the brush up against the fence to where the goats could get to it and they were eating it all up like kids let loose in a candy factory! They're loving it.
Where are you located? I know a lady in MO that is moving and selling her entire herd pretty cheap. I bought a few nice 100% from her for little of nothing.
Watch craigslist. Every once in awhile you can find a doe or two owned by 4-H kids that are now wanting to get out of 4-H selling cheap just to get rid of the responsibility (for whatever reason). I found 2 really NICE high % boer doelings (7 months) for $125 through a 4-H'er. It doesn't...
I think horns are a personal issue. Some goat owners won't have a goat with horns, some won't have a goat without them for various reasons. Personally, I tend to let nature be in most cases. To my way of thinking... nature put them there for a reason. Why mess with nature?
Many will...
I got "goat" happy and fell in love with my little billy. But after looking at many others, I think Billy is just going to be too small for my purposes. Although he does have great conformation. He is my first buckling. The new buckling that is coming in next month is HUGE, and so is his...