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  1. DixieDarlinFarm

    What color is my buckling?

    Thank you both! He is very spoiled already and I just got him about a week ago, lol. He just loves to be petted and follows me around the yard.
  2. DixieDarlinFarm

    What color is my buckling?

    Well, howdy neighbor! What county are you in? (Feel free not to answer if it's too personal) Thank you for the link by the way, very helpful. After some further research I believe he is considered a "blue chamoisee" :)
  3. DixieDarlinFarm

    What breed is she?

    I would think any of the three breeds Boer, Nigerian and/or Nubian could create a goat that looks like this. She is very cute!
  4. DixieDarlinFarm

    Can male goats eat grain

    I had two does up until recently when I purchased my first buckling. I feed my girls Purina Goat Chow (1 cup daily), Manna Pro Loose Goat Minerals (free choice), horse quality Orchard Grass/Fescue hay (free choice) & Standlee Alfalfa Timothy Pellets (1 cup daily). I've just been feeding my...
  5. DixieDarlinFarm

    Boss Doe Goat

    I will have to try this!!
  6. DixieDarlinFarm

    Boss Doe Goat

    I am pretty much in the same boat, I have a very bossy 9 month old Nigerian doe (the one in my avatar). She is so food aggressive with my other two. I just have to feed them separately. She, also, runs my new buckling around the pen & barn sometimes and I feel so sorry for him but I figure it's...
  7. DixieDarlinFarm

    What color is my buckling?

    Can anyone tell me what color my new buckling is? If it helps, he is 1/4 Nubian & 3/4 Nigerian Dwarf. He has pretty blue eyes too :) Thanks y'all!
  8. DixieDarlinFarm

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    BONNIE - Rhode Island Red Hen. ANNIE OAKLEY - Nigerian Dwarf Doe. JOHNNY CASH - 1/4 Nubian 3/4 Nigerian Dwarf Buckling. DIXIE BELLE - Nigerian Dwarf doe. THE BANTAMS - Dapper, Phoenix, Minnie, Nutmeg & Pepper. ELEANOR - Ameraucana Hen. OMELETTE - White Leghorn Hen.
  9. DixieDarlinFarm

    Feeling Goatastic! lol

    Feeling Goatastic! lol