Well, howdy neighbor! What county are you in? (Feel free not to answer if it's too personal)
Thank you for the link by the way, very helpful. After some further research I believe he is considered a "blue chamoisee" :)
I had two does up until recently when I purchased my first buckling.
I feed my girls Purina Goat Chow (1 cup daily), Manna Pro Loose Goat Minerals (free choice), horse quality Orchard Grass/Fescue hay (free choice) & Standlee Alfalfa Timothy Pellets (1 cup daily). I've just been feeding my...
I am pretty much in the same boat, I have a very bossy 9 month old Nigerian doe (the one in my avatar). She is so food aggressive with my other two. I just have to feed them separately. She, also, runs my new buckling around the pen & barn sometimes and I feel so sorry for him but I figure it's...