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  1. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    15/16 BAF kids! FAINT ON

    Next up we have Fantasy, who kidded a full month later to the day. Bambi was our only doe that took on her first "date"... for those of you who remember, Fantasy gave us triplet bucks last year. Fantasy was also bred to Sonny. She gave us our first twin doeling pair! It was also Fantasys first...
  2. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    This is seemingly helpful diagram. I do not understand why no one seems to go into more detail of how to help yourself in these situations. They can be extremely stressful as the clock is ticking away. Having encountered all of these positions, I would've loved someone taking the time to help...
  3. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    15/16 BAF kids! FAINT ON

    Yes yes yes, we are here and very excited to share. So i will start with our first pairing, Bambi (our most decorated and champion doe) who was paired with Sonny (our most decorated and champion buck). Sonny joined the herd last spring, after much begging to purchase him. He and our #1 buck...
  4. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    15/16 BAF kids! FAINT ON

    Hi everyone!!! Seriously lagging on posts. After the move, and new job managing a herd of over 100head, we also GREATLY grew ourselves!!! And our little girl now is 18months old! Been a very busy busy year! Our kidding season began Halloween, and we have our final doe in early labor today...
  5. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    Ready or Not....... Shouldvknwnbetter- Fall

    Holy goats!!! Sooooo exciting!!! I Looooove when things work out like that. Congratulations!
  6. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Do you believe that beast?!!! He is a tank. I will weigh him when i go down to feed in an hour. Thank you =) i already told hubby I'm keeping the doeling. He was shocked i claimed her already....if that buckling was a doeling, i would keep him too! Such awesome bloodlines! Soooooo happpppy! <3...
  7. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Praline stayed with the program and gave us a HUGE buckling (the biggest I've seen, she scrame having him. I need to weigh him) and a little doeling!!!! Yaaaay!!!! The little boy looks exactly like my love Magnum (sire) the little girl favors him as well!!!!
  8. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Now THIS is bucking Adoeable ;) literally lol
  9. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Im sitting in the birthing pen with Fantasy and the boys now, watching Praline contractions, hoping she will have her fill of all the testosterone in this stall and add to the estrogen!!!! Come on girrrrrrrls!!!!!!! Lol Southern (only missed half!). .... hubby already said this i...
  10. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    It is the most stress and anxiety especially when things arent progressing or go wrong....but man oh man it is so joyus and a heart full of love seeing those lil kids baaaah and stand and hobble for their first times <3 Now.....if i can get MY kid to bed so i can nap before Praline beckons me...
  11. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Hi everyone!!! So EXTREMELY long delivery! #2 and #3 were breech and had to pull. #2 had to be really assisted, poor mama. I felt terrible. She is so pooped. I am still wondering if there is another in there. Really nice size kids for trips. Anywho, a few change of clothes and shower later, I...
  12. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Quick update! One nice size buckling on her own, another breech i had to pull and waiting on #3..... Praline in labor too....not super hard yet, but close. I am a wet cold mess but so happy and thankful for my loves.
  13. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Fantasy gave me 3 solid pushes and sat up like a dog to adjust...getting close. As i sat back to give Fantasy more room (she kept trying to get in my lap!) I heard something else....i turn around and Praline is also in labor. Lol. Weeeeee!!! So much for moving today! Soooooooooo excited!
  14. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    In pain =D she was getting more serious, but i put up panels and fresh bedding to give her privacy and kids clean homecoming. Praline is looking good too!!! Definitely not as serious, but thinking she'll go too! Bag filled so much from this a.m. and lost mucus plug. Weeeeeee!
  15. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Yaay yaay yaay yaay yaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! Praline is nesting in the opposite corner in early labor. Gonna be a gooooooood day! THIIIIIINK PINK! And one blue from Praline, our friend wants a buck. Update soon!!!
  16. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    HELP WITH KITS!!!!!!!!/Kid progress

    Thank you so much- I'm really doing my best not to stress everyone. Meanwhile my hair is falling out! Okay question time. The kits turned two weeks Sunday and my little favorite one eye was still shut with some crusty. I took warm water to wash off (with the dingy coloring, and smell, i knew it...
  17. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    Sweetened's 2015 Kidding thread (Last arrival 2/23)

    HAHAHAHA!!!! You can let me know the day AFTER you push out your child's shoulders ;) especially if you do everything natural. I did! (Just dont wait too long to go to hospital/birthing center like dummy me, and start to have them in the car!) Goats just have to get the head out, the rest is...
  18. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    BAF kidding! Fainter wait is on!

    Big goose egg to report....which is beyond exasperating since they are gumming up the whole move! Gahhhhh!!! Dang does!!! Fantasy is so huge and her lady bits are so swollen and open, i could probably call a kid to come out and it could walk out. Geesh. Praline finally bagging up and really...
  19. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    Sweetened's 2015 Kidding thread (Last arrival 2/23)

    Sorry i have missed everything! This move stiiiiinks! Yaaaay for the buckling. He is flllllllashy!! I love me some flash ;) many congratulations! Yaaaay for July baby!!!! Mine came the 8th! So right around us celebrating her year, you'll be in the most intense pain of your life ;) ahhhh the...
  20. Bucking Adoeable Fainters

    HELP WITH KITS!!!!!!!!/Kid progress

    Short and sweet post...middle of moving =/ 2weeks and we officially have baby bunnies <3 We haven't moved the hutch yet. Saving them for last. Really hope this move doesn't stress Fluffy into not caring for kits. Anyone have this awful timing? Love to hear comments/suggestions!