Thanks! My does are older, I think ... They were adults when I got them and I'm not sure how old they were exactly. I've had them for about seven /eight months now.
Good luck! I have a question for you, whenever my girls kindle, no matter how many kits are born, inevitably only three -four make it to adulthood. What am I doing wrong? Or is it that Bridey and Barley don't make enough milk for more? Is there a supplement I should be using?
The OP did say unrealistic. I was just putting my own wish list out there. I know LGD take a lot of training, which at the moment I don't have time to do. Plus, working full time and farming on the side, doesn't leave a lot of time for socialization of a puppy. But I can always dream!
I'd love to have a LGD that would guard my rabbits and Chickens. And he/she would go with me on walks to protect me from strangers trying to kidnap me. And was free. And was perfectly trained. And that my DH would like.
Her poops had been a little runny, more sticky than pelleted. She was born early this spring, I got her at about 12 weeks old. So she wasn't quite a year old. Belle has been wormed, but she is still grieving for Honey, calling for her, and she won't eat unless she can see us.
My katahdin sheep, Honey, is gone. She died this morning, but I don't know why. Is it possible that we waited too long to worm her? Her friend, Belle is heartbroken.