Yes :confused: that was something else everyone keeps talking about - the groundwater carrying chemicals from the farming into lakes & rivers.
Apparently organic farming doesn't have such an issue since water has its ways of breaking down organic material. :ya
Well, I can say that I live in an...
I can't even remember the last time I ate a MacDonalds :drool
The referrals to large animals and grain are more to do with the amount of water & nutrients required to grow it. The theory is that in the future there will no be enough.
The vegans & vegatarians are incorrect in their...
A few pics to show you guys :frow We brought the rabbits in due to the weather. "Quail" came in to. Don't worry, they are all used to being housed together.
Which I keep hearing is looming upon us, does anyone else hear about this?
Everywere both online & in person lately I am bumping into raging vegans (why you cruel...!), vegetarians & hearing all sorts of philander about cows farting & how they actually produce more gas on grass than on grain...
Woke up this morning to -
Six dead kits in the suspended wire pen. The 3 does in there were ignoring them. All three will soon be 1st time mothers (apart from the one who just lost her litter.)
We had a doe which we were not sure when she was due. Obviously it is her that has kindled.
I would have gone berserk :rant
Really makes me wonder what is wrong with some people when they do things like that.
Anyway - just this morning I woke up to frost and 6 dead kits on the wire.
Going to move my does into different housing, my rabbitry is small scale and I'm tired of losing...
As you can see, everything is raised in preparation for minor flooding where we live this winter. Due to what has been happening in other areas of the country I decided it was better to be safe than sorry.
Was glad I decided that, there was a 1 inch deep large puddle partly underneath the...
Above is the large buck and the 4 does I've chosen to keep. We no longer have the Mini lops or the weird small BEW. I simply did not have the space for useless bunnies. :( I liked my little mini lop buck though, but feeding them was getting silly if you take into account future litters, space...
You must be joking I'm afraid :( The money I save on smoking is going on feeding my fur babies (rabbits, dogs, chickens, quail) I won't have a penny left for myself.
But... They are soooo worth it. :love
I wonder just how many people keep rabbits, llamas & alpacca, sheep & goats + cows in New York :lol: I think the only one possible would be the rabbits :rant Not fair, we need those Alpacca in New York to.
They'd be great for adverts - just so much better than those compare the market elephant...
Great to hear.
I've still got the option there to smoke, I also think that if you don't have the option to have a ciggy then your more likely to go out of your mind wanting one :pop I've read that I can be expected to gain upto 2 stone if I quit which is good (I'm a bit on the skinny...
Hi again :frow
It will probably interest you to know that -
Yes, we have fed greens and natural forage to the kits with no issues, even the kits which had pelleted mothers.
Yes, we have wire bases on our pens to prevent digouts and the only predator (a local fox which is terrified of our dogs...
I swear this is getting easier each time. o_O
Started my "no ciggy" ban this morning. So far I'm getting cravings, but just ignoring them and letting them pass. The cravings can last a few minutes or so and feel like sudden anxiety or a "high" of some sort, but they pass. :th
I've previously...
Welcome! :frow
We tried colony raising, but be aware it takes up a lot of space :ep we had to stop it because of that, not issues caused by the rabbits themselves.
We allowed ours to burrow though :rolleyes: and my concern was them hitting a powerline :lol: so we contented ourselves with...
I'd love to pasture mine. It wasn't possible. My garden is too small. However, I have developed a design where I have built the pens off the ground, but close enough that the grass etc can grow through and they can eat it. The little monsters strip most vegetation. They almost demolished 2...