Loving the herd life
I have never raised rabbits before but we have been thinking about it over the last few months. One of the issues I have is housing. I know its ridiculous but I hate the little wire cages. It just feels unnatural to me. My other animals are all outside and free to forage and thats the way I like it. I've been looking into pasturing rabbits but I do have reservations. I've read a few of the other threads and besides cocci and ear mites, are there any issues? Specifically for breeders. There is a local guy who is very experienced and raises some great, hardy NZs and when I asked about pasturing he said that I could do that for the growers but not the breeders. I asked why, and he said that if a pregnant doe gets scared (which is likely to happen if she's outside due to predator attempts) that she will kill the babies - she has the ability to force an abortion, or if its within the final 2 weeks, they are not able to auto abort so she will eat them as soon as they are born. Brutal. Is this true? Does any one have any experience with this? I'd really like to keep the breeders out on pasture.
This will be small scale.
This will be small scale.