Search results

  1. Honest Omnivore

    Goats - how noisy?

    We have a half dozen NDG and one Nubian/Alpine mix doe (and her Nubian/Alpine/NDG twins). Our girls are quiet 95% of the time. When we separate them they cry to each other; does call to thier kids, kidds to siblings... This spring I'm planning on splitting the herd, the dry does and weathers...
  2. Honest Omnivore

    Moving On | A bright Future |

    Oh I hope you get it and it's a girl! So sorry about what you went through. I had a horrific first kidding and lost all of them. My husband has still not recovered. It's horrible! We had kids last fall and lost one that looked fine, just didn't make it. It was from the only doe that kidded...
  3. Honest Omnivore

    Dairy withdrawal?

    I have an Alpine/Nubian doe that has frequent (3x a year?) mastitis in one chamber. When I use "today" it clears up but all the milk? So sad! Like your doe, "Millie" provides about 50% of ours (three NDGs contribute to the other half). After the first 12 hours or so, the antibiotic is usually...
  4. Honest Omnivore

    Recommended reading-Birthing, Weaning, and Raising Young Goats

    Emergency Pulling technique- learned the hard* way, demonstrated by the vet. If you can't get the kid out, even with a good grip, here's the "last ditch" method a vet taught me when we had a crazy bad birth. Place the doe over a bale of hay, have a helper lay across her (only leaning a little...
  5. Honest Omnivore

    Official Poll: What breed of Livestock Guardian Dog do you prefer?

    I've been drooling over the Spanish Mastiff. I know I need to find one from working stock and I probably can't afford one, but they remind me of my dear house dog, Mrs. Figg, a Neapolitan Mastiff. Pictured below is our previous Neo mastiff, the poorly named "Hagrid's Opus"
  6. Honest Omnivore

    Dam Raised, Bottle Raised, Trough Raised, & Pulling Kids

    I'd never heard of "trough raised" but I've done it, just on a colt not a kid! We purchased a "wild pony" at the Chincoteague Wild Pony roundup back in 1987, and the colt was clearly only a few days old. He came with a bag of replacement milk mix and one of those buckets with a giant cow sized...
  7. Honest Omnivore

    LGD space?

    We have under ten acres (about 9.3 or so) and 3/4 of this is fenced to contain tricky Nigerian Dwarf kids. I'm planning on two dogs to work the rear or back pasture which is out of site from the house. They will be inside a fence with electric at the top and bottom. I have a GP pup now and...
  8. Honest Omnivore

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Wilma Joy, checking out the phone. This is how 95% of the photos I take end up, no matter if the subject is child, kid, pony, new plot for a garden or ANYTHING else in the same space as the goats... as soon as a item appears that may or may not take photos, you have GOAT FACE in front of it!
  9. Honest Omnivore

    Put a face to a name! Please post your pic here!

    This was an accidental self portrait! I didn't realize I'd set the feature to take a selfie at the same time I was taking a "forward" picture. This is also from last summer, a friend pulled into the driveway behind me just as I got home from work (thus the dress), and wanted to see the...
  10. Honest Omnivore

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat" ~ me, Spring of 2015

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat" ~ me, Spring of 2015
  11. Honest Omnivore

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat" ~ me, 2015

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat" ~ me, 2015
  12. Honest Omnivore

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat"

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat"
  13. Honest Omnivore

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat"~ me, spring 2010

    "All I need are a few laying hens and a single dairy goat"~ me, spring 2010