I know this is an old question, but for me I feed my goats unlimited hay daily and pellets 2 times a day, morning and evening. They are now on a dry lot, so all the grass is gone.
I have raised rabbits for a couple years now and do not make any profit in it. I raise them for pets and also have some for meat. I raise English Lops, Holland Lop and Netherland Dwarf. I raise New Zealand and New Zealand mixes for meat. I get 65 a rabbit for my English Lop and Holland Lops. My...
Hello Elevan, I see you are a moderator, when looking at the breed pages for rabbits, I see that under breeds, English Lop is not listed. Can they be added?
I haven’t heard of any yet In Alabama but they are usually one in spring and fall in Anniston Al for rabbits.let me ask my friends and find out for sure.
My friend just got these pigs and were told they are Kune kunes. I'm going to be getting a Couple of them in a week or two. Do they look like kune kunes to you?Maybe american guinea hogs? The mom is 150# the dad 250#.
Haha yes, a pallet house and hot wire for acreage. We haven't gotten them yet and I am still researching. I think we are gonna go with a smaller pig Like Kune Kunes.
Right now I only have 1 english lop young buck. Hope to get a female and some new Zealand meat rabbits next month.Plus a back yard flock of chickens will be getting more in May.
Thank you for the warm welcomes!!!
Ok my name is Crystal but my family and friends call me crissy or criss. I have Chickens, A rabbit will be adding more soon and hopefully a couple pigs. This is my husband and I during Halloween last year the only one I have of us together. My daughters and me by myself
I know this may sound like a silly question. I want to know if different rabbit breeds taste better than another. Like ducks, Muscovy are delishious so are mallards. Both taste better to me than the Pekin duck. So does any other rabbit breeds taste better than the other? If so which ones? I'm...
I just got a 7 week old English lop bunny a few days ago. I know most people feed alfalfa hay to young rabbits but I was wondering if you can feed Timothy hay to a 7 week old baby? What is the earliest you can feed them hay?
I want to get a couple Berkshire pigs to raise. I will have them on 5-6 heavily wooded acres. Will the pigs thrive on the land? Can they grow eating acorns and other grub? Will the land be big enough to keep the smell down? I have never had pigs before and im trying to learn all I can before we...