apparently some of the rabbits "knew" it wasn't good for them as their food bowls were still full. the rest seemed fine with it, but now they're all back on normal grass and the mower fixed this morning :)
thanks folks!
okay, i normally wouldn't just randomly give one animal food that was meant for another but the feed store closed before i could get there and the mower with a bagger (i feed most of my critters fresh clippings) crapped out yesterday...soooo, i gave my rabbits food that was meant for horses...
okay, i'm having the same issues....gonna have to go home and try to bounce my goat while the wife rolls on the ground laughing!
what's the longest "safe" time between kids? I'm relatively new to goats, and haven't been present for any of the births yet....they were pregnant when we got them...
thats what i've been doing so far....your arm really gets tired after smashing 1000 quail eggs. i just chucked them into the freezer to save for spring when i start hatching again and the extra protein will be useful. i just figured if it wouldn't hurt the goats then why not, but i'll listen...
so i've always been told that goats will eat anything that will fit in their mouth....has anyone out there fed extra eggs to their goats? right now i have a few quail eggs (and in the summer might have too many chicken eggs) and i'm wondering if they're safe for my goats to eat so they wont go...