Great, just what I need a pig that not only chews on my pens but actually Eats them !! I can see it now, My barn was built in 1909 & eaten in 2018 !!!
NO Thanks GMO or not !
I'm fairly new to all of this & have only taken a couple Jersey steers to butcher so far. I finished them both out together in a small paddock so there was no competition for feed from the other livestock.
Ferdinand was 18 months old & pastured on clover/timothy May thru Oct & finished off...
I wish I had seen this site two years ago before I fenced in our reclaimed acres. I've corrected most of my mistakes now but could have saved some $$$ if I had only known !
I originally did most of my gates as 10' & didn't give myself access from what turned out to be a critical entry point...
Well thank you for the advise & help. The Baldy IS preg. & should calf in mid June ! I've come up with a way to separate the two beefers from the rest while I'm feeding them. My new gates will be in next week & that will make my life much better. The feed situation I believe is figured out &...
Rose, Dr. Evans was here today & Yes, the Baldy took on the second attempt ! We talked about conditoning as well as my feeding program & he suggested a couple changes including changing to a Grower for the two smaller calves. Start my free choice minerals, change salt blocks, switch to just...
NO offence taken, that's WHY I'm here asking questions !! The vet has only said that they have hay belly & never suggested cutting the feed back.
Tomorrow I'll separate the cow & heifer BUT all of them have been on a Oat Baleage & whatever they can graze diet with NO grain for the last couple...
OH, my fingers have been crossed since this all started & we did the two shot routine the first time around. The second time the AI tech said he was happy as there was definitely a slight red tint in the straw afterword.
This was her fifth calf but all of them had been breed using bulls which we don't have. The vet gave both my jersey heifer & the baldy a shot to bring them in together & the AI on 7/6 seems to have taken in the jersey. The baldy was AI again on 9/3 when three of the steers were riding her just...
[Jan: I'll take most if not all of your advise. It's nice to get straight answers given without any judgement attached.
The Jersey was bred in July so I'm looking at a spring (May) calf. She was AI with Jersey semen so should be fine. The baldy was done at the same time but didn't take & was...
Jan: I posted a reply from my phone but it doesn't look like it made it here. We're raising Dairy Beef as a "hobby" & this will be our second season.
The vet & AI tech both suggested separating the cow & heifer after she was AI the second time. The vet is due to check her this month as it...
Rose: Thanks Again !!
I'll see about getting a couple pictures. My problem with them is that I haven't figured how to transfer them from my phone. I'll figure it out.
I haven't caught up with the farmer in the last couple of weeks. We're on an honor system & I catch him about once a month...
My hay is free choice & is in a round feeder since all of the "cows" are in the same area. I figured I needed to give my pastures a rest for the winter or they won't be any good in May when I need then again.
OK, I can see I'm in over my head. Thanks for the replys, I can see I've got more work to do.
The only minerals I've been giving are the 40# blocks. The corn silage is from a local dairy farm & he feeds about 50# per head + hay. My guess at 5#s was just that, a guess as I have NO idea how...
Where to start ? As of next week I'll be housing & feeding 8 head in another COLD Central NY winter.
I'm looking into feeding about 5# of corn silage per head along with a mix of hay ( timothy/rye/alfalfa) or oat balage while I've still got 15 1000# bales left. Will this work OR do I need to...