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  1. Hemlock

    Want to Build a Garage / Barn Combo

    Thanks for the help! I've read through my town's building ordinances and only see remarks regarding minimum distance to property lines, neighbor's building(s) and the road. The only regulations regarding animal waste seem to be in regard to waterways and we aren't near any. The leach field is on...
  2. Hemlock

    Want to Build a Garage / Barn Combo

    I'm looking to build a garage, maybe 24' wide by 30' deep (with a possible overhang) with the rear being partitioned off in order to create a very small barn. Does this sound doable? My biggest concerns are 1) money, 2) safety, and 3) functionality. Money is only first bc if it will be too...
  3. Hemlock

    Looking for Paddock Plan Help

    I've read them and have more reading to do. I'll post on a horns thread if I have questions. So what's the difference between growing fodder grass and feeding hay in winter? Is it because it's hard to get the proper grains like alfalfa to grow? Is it due to the moisture content? Something else...
  4. Hemlock

    Looking for Paddock Plan Help

    Thank you both so much! I knew I was going to have to buy hay, but I was hoping to use as much browse as I can. If I could eventually grow 50% of their food, that would make me happy. Never tried to grow fodder, but I think that might help, too. I think I'll fence in that whole area and get...
  5. Hemlock

    New Hampshire

    That's a great idea!
  6. Hemlock

    Southern's (Southern By Choice) Journal- FLOODED!

    Did you discuss this with your vet yet? Just wondering if you're going to try it.
  7. Hemlock

    New Hampshire

    Thanks. The above link only gave one, but I'll check into it. I already checked craigslist, the ADGA, AGA? and Google. The prices I posted on another thread were for the ones I've located so far. I'm now on the hunt for people like me that are just going to be selling the extras from their dairy...
  8. Hemlock

    New Hampshire

    If anyone still reads this thread, can you recommend a Nigerian Dwarf goat breeder in NH?
  9. Hemlock

    goat milk

    This is a super old thread, but what an awesome response. So much info. in this one post.
  10. Hemlock

    Looking for Paddock Plan Help

    How far from the boulder do you think the fence should be? It's mostly brush & saplings that I don't mind them eating. I would like to cover the trunks of the few mature trees in order to lessen erosion and provide them some shade. We will not keep a buck, so we'll have to take our does off...
  11. Hemlock

    Looking for Paddock Plan Help

    Background: I'm on 1.6 small acres. I've been wanting to move to a property with more acreage, but bc we bought when we did, we're upside down on our mortgage. We need to stay put for a long time. We love our house and our property (other than size), just not the lots of driving we have to do...
  12. Hemlock

    Horns? Dis-bud? Polled?

    Sorry to bug you again, but was it 4x4 fencing or 2x4? Just wondering how much 2"x4" fencing helps with the getting stuck issue. If it doesn't help, that really sucks. I mean stucks. ;)
  13. Hemlock

    Horns? Dis-bud? Polled?

    @Pearce Pastures, what goat breed and what kind of fence? I don't have goats or fencing yet, so I'm curious.
  14. Hemlock

    Cost of Buying Nigerian Dwarf Goats

    That's a great point. Would you pay $400-$550 for each registered doeling if show quality wasn't important to you?
  15. Hemlock

    Cost of Buying Nigerian Dwarf Goats

    Thank you @Southern by choice & @Pearce Pastures! I only want them for milk, but I think they'll be similar to pets. I don't plan to supplement my income by selling kids; just want to cover my food & supplies costs. So if non-registered kids will still sell, just at a lower price, that's ok.
  16. Hemlock

    Cost of Buying Nigerian Dwarf Goats

    $150-$750 is a huge price range. What would you expect to pay for a just weaned doeling? Prices I've seen in my area are about $400-$550. That seems so expensive to me for an unproven ND. Then again, I know barely anything about goats right now. Also, would you recommend registered kids if you...