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  1. B

    Babies and mom returning to the herd PICS!

    Returned the new moms and their babies to the herd today, some aggression for domanence but other than that all went well! babies are loving exploring their new home!
  2. B

    Help Please ! kid may have broken shoulder

    I am in morrow county too :D I live right outside of sparta... where might you be?
  3. B

    Help Please ! kid may have broken shoulder

    thanks for the posts he is doing much better today, i did hold him to mom and he nursed and then I just kept standing him and supporting his body and after a few hours he finally started to try and stand on his own but was very wobbly. Finally this morning i went out and he is standing and...
  4. B

    Help Please ! kid may have broken shoulder

    just had a hard delivery for an oberhasli doe, when i found her kid was still in sac and about half way out withj only one leg presenting. I broke the sac and had to push babies head and other arm back in so I could fit my hand in there to find the other foot which I did and then delivered a...
  5. B

    , not wanting to eatTiny is acting depressed

    I havent given him anything yet and he ate a few nibbles of grain from my hand but no hay and didn't really want to eat the grain. What is the vitamin B for, sorry don't mean to sound dumb but we have only been raising goats for 2 yrs and we have never had any illnesses to contend with before so...
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    , not wanting to eatTiny is acting depressed

    My 2yr old Alpine buck is acting depressed, ears and eyes are droopy and he isnt eating. No outward signs of illness and no signs of bloat or diarreah. Any advice is greatly appreciated
  7. B

    Help !! Abbie isn't eating today after kidding on Wed

    Abbie is eating again and doing great. the babies are running around playing and growing well. even if she escapes now she cant get into the grain again.
  8. B

    Help !! Abbie isn't eating today after kidding on Wed

    i sya would maybe 1-2 lbs of grain her left side seems no more bloated then her right. She was acting depressed and laying alot. While waiting for a response we brough her and babies in the house while we threw a pen up in the garage so we could keep a good eye on them without trudging through...
  9. B

    Help !! Abbie isn't eating today after kidding on Wed

    Abbie kidded with trips on Mon with the placenta seen and no retained kids upon bouce test (not sure if i did it right). All were doing well, but yesterday my husband accidentally left he pen door open and she jumped over the boards that were up and got into the feed bucket. She ate this morn...
  10. B

    Should I pull one of the triplets and bottle feed?

    Ok this is our first time with triplets ans I worried that as the kids grow she will not have enough milk to feed them all. Right now they are taking turns and eating well but I figure thats not going to last forever. We usually let them nurse off mom until they are weaned but I didn't know if...
  11. B

    Oreo Kidded This morning !!!!! Pics

    Thank you All !!!!I know she was making my hair grey LOL :weee I am so glad they both fine and healthy.And yes he is cutie, and we will be selling him once he is weaned so if anyone is interested let me know.
  12. B

    My San-Nubian kidded

    AWWW.. they are so cute and what a big boy, just like my new one they are huge. thank god I never had to pass a 10lb baby LOL
  13. B

    Oreo Kidded This morning !!!!! Pics

    Wow she had a big boy, she is a small goat and had 1 10lb buck and he is gorgeous!!!
  14. B

    New babies on our

    What cute babies !!! the little nubian looks like a cow LOL:)
  15. B

    Abbie's triplets (PICS!!!)

    Thank you !!!I just love them so much. these are the prettiest babies we have had here so far. Looks like Oreo is finally in labor so I think we are going to have more here my morning. Must be the warm up setting them into labor. Will keep you updated. Sorry for the lapse in updates but I just...
  16. B

    goat in labor need help....UPDATED!!!!! She had a C-SECTION

    So Sorry for the loss but glad to hear mom is doing well.
  17. B

    Abbie's triplets (PICS!!!)

    Ok Oreo still has not kidded but she is doing fine and the babies are moving still so we must have been off on her due date BUt Abbie kidded this morn and had triplets 2 Does and a Buck!!! [i OOpppps 1st and 2nd pics were of the same doe, second pic is updated, and she is my favorite :)
  18. B

    Oreo...2 weeks of watching and waiting and still no kids!!!

    She ate this morn and her breath smells fine, well if you can call normal goat breath fine LOL. she was her normal self this morning, ate and drank and looked for loving.
  19. B

    Oreo...2 weeks of watching and waiting and still no kids!!!

    Okay I think today is the day, oreo is yawning and curling her top lip. She's laying and doesn't want to get up when she does she paces and lays back down. She never lays when we are in her pen, usually she is all over you looking for attention. is the yawning a normal sign??