My 2yr old Alpine buck is acting depressed, ears and eyes are droopy and he isnt eating. No outward signs of illness and no signs of bloat or diarreah. Any advice is greatly appreciated
I havent given him anything yet and he ate a few nibbles of grain from my hand but no hay and didn't really want to eat the grain. What is the vitamin B for, sorry don't mean to sound dumb but we have only been raising goats for 2 yrs and we have never had any illnesses to contend with before so I don't know what it could be or what to do for it. Was going to give him some yogurt incase it was intestinal, do you think that would be a good start?
I would take his temp. If it is over 103, you may have an infection going on. Yogurt is ok but Probios is better. You can get B Complex at TSC. I would also get some baking soda into him. Not really sure where to go from there until you get a temp.