I have nine goats total.. she is in with 3 others at this moment as the others are up for kidding... I also have cattle and a donkey In there with them... I try to give her as much attention as I can because I know she needs it... I just feel so bad for her..
I have a doe who had twins last week, sadly, I lost both twins... All the doe has done for the past few days I scream and look for them... I am loving on her and giving her lots of attention but she is so pitiful.. Is there anything I could do to help her through the grieving process...
I just use cheese cloth and drape it over a gallon jar, kind of poke the middle into the jar and pour it through! Seems to catch all the hair and filth...
My neighbors that I petsit for when they are out of town uses a Cattle panel cut up into four pieces and has it tied together into a square and the goats have to stick their head through it and it causes them to waste less hay! I plan to do this with my goats too!
I am looking into getting sheep to add to my herd.. I have never owned sheep before, and I had quite a few questions for some you sheep people;
1) I know sheep cannot have copper; would it be wise to keep the goats and sheep separate? is copper essential for goats? if not, what food is a good...
Hey guys, I have never had a donkey before.. I have had mules and horses most all of my life.. I may sound stupid asking this but I just recently bought 2 donkeys to have as guardians for my goats.. one is a miniature and the other is a standard Spanish donkey (I think that's right.. I'm not...
She finallly let them nurse about 730 this morning.... with me holding her and now she is letting them nurse by theirselves... so I'm hoping for the best...
I have a Nubian doe who just gave birth to her two beautiful twins.. however, she isn't letting them nurse... She licks them and loves on them and shows them attention.. all the normal except letting them nurse... so we milked some colostrum out and tried giving it in a bottle and they won't...
For some reason, my milk is spoiling quicker than I believe it should be. I had some that was three days old and It smelled awful. What could cause this? Before it would last about 8 to 10 days but now it is ruining quicker.
He is grazing about all day long. It's hard to feed just calf starter because he is in with goats. I feed them a Multi Species food. But I try to feed them separate. But it doesn't always work. I don't have a stable built just yet. I have calf starter but I don't want the goats eating it. He is...
I have a three month old Angus/Charolais cross. He was eating 2 bottles a day (One in the morning and one in the evening). I have recently (Approx. 2 weeks ago) made the switch down to one bottle in the evening. He is eating a pretty good amount of food on his own. When should I completely wean...