Ah Joe... :\
One gets busy with life and living in the real world (must be having fun because the years have clattered on by)...BUT honestly, I wasn't expecting to find you gone. :rolleyes:
You've always made time for me when I pop in and there on my profile you've dropped me a note...and...
Not jealous one iota on your heat...and I am not so willing to share my snows...but here's a widdle peaky at winter 2013/2014...even "I" reached my snow tolerances that season...LOL
Nice fall day, and the next one...she's blanketed in winter...from green to white <<blink!>>
Live in...
I truly think they are the kewlest breed I've found thus far. Hope they make you and your family happy! :love
My MIL advised me upon residing in this area, don't ever plant the tenders until AFTER June 1st. I have managed to grow corn every place I have lived...course started inside in...
Nice hijack LS! Bought Rick a grader last week, now we gotta find five days to take courses so we get certified! He's fielding calls, "Hey come work here!" and we can do the work, but the offices can't "pay" uncertified businesses...good old gov't red tape. Next project, we clone him...too...
The Kunekune (kooneykooney) is an uncommon pig breed from New Zealand kept by the Maoris, I believe the name means "fat & round." Meat is delicious, the breed is docile, pretty, some have tassels or pire pires, some don't. Kunekunes are serious meat production pigs that are personable &...
Heel low:
Family visits tire out all parties...but oh the JOYs...too much good times and need a nap? :confused:
I suspect you do get use to being the King of your own Castle...now you can throw your underwear about the house and nobody will know except for maybe dogs like Mel...but he's...
Heel low:
You make me grin Joe. :D
Jul 28 2017 -
Some of the ovine gals eatin' Poplar leaves...because they're a flock ABOVE eating just ground grasses o_O
Tis always a three or four ring circus going on here... :celebrate
If'n family was suppose to speed up the process of extra...
RAM-blings… Bling Bling All Gone??
By Tara Lee Higgins
March 18, 2004
Posted one cheeky spring evening on Sheep-L…read, enjoy, but most of all, LAUGH!! All in good hearted fun…
Heel low:
The way I figure it, I’ve been spending far too much time on the end of a pitchfork. Be it the...
Heel low:
Yup--it was FUN to do up and thanks! :hugs
Yes, please...do get a sheep halter lead of yer own and examine it for reference. For me, it would be SO difficult to show in photos how to make one up...having one in hand, that's the best plan, eh! That's what I did...I can do better...
Heel low:
OK...we have lot of great salad like forage for ruminants...lots but we also have two nasty wild types.
Outside along my ditch...fire hazard prevention
Good Sheeps...good eats!
First one is DEATH CAMAS and no joke, lethal. People have dug it up thinking it is wild onions...it is...
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Jest about done...
Nascor sans her wololy covering!!
I mentioned you can have the lead part of the halter any length you want...five feet eight inches still gave me enough lead to tye Nascor to a lawn chair so she could munch lawn whilst I skirted and bagged up her fibre...
So where waz I...oh yeh...gettin' to the braider up parts... o_O
You begin your braid with some filler cords about the size of the round braided lead (I do a four cord braid, so require just two lengths of seiner cord folded over...I do the flat braid for the nose piece (this part remains...
Heel low:
First things FIRST...if'n the making of your own braided halter with lead does not thrill you, don't bother. The bought ones (so long as they are not made up of slippy plastic) is way more economical. Jest sayin' :D
But if the thought of making yer own is thrilling, by all means...
Heel low:
I am not huge on doing useless things...got so many funner things to do, why waste effort. :ep
A non-wasted effort is teaching ALL your beasts to lead. Dog to sheep, don't matter. They should also know how to stand quietly tied. I say this because when faced with an emergency...
Heel low:
Thank you for liking dem lambos...I am bias in saying we certainly adore them...sweetnesses. :love
Emmy grinning for dog ear to ear...
She loves these summer excursions where all we view are happy sheeps!
HER sheeps BTW...hers! :p
The added shade keeps one outta deep sheep with...
Heel low:
Round about a month has passed (fun, way too much fun to be had) since two of our Dorpers have lambed...and my my, want to call them lambs my triage of PORKers! ;)
"Jest who ARE you calling FAT?"
The single ewe lamb Èden born on the 13th of June was a stellar 37 pounds (birth...
Heel low:
My, my...time sure does fly! :hu
Truth is that I pack a camera as often as able. No professional clicker though...just one that loves their subjects...:lol: Maybe a tad too much!
Precious and surprising. :love
Jun 13, 2017 - Èden Ésaü
Yes, Snickers had her lamb (yes a...
Thank you...they ARE quite adorable. I'm a sucker for the knobby knees! :D
Snickers is due today, the 12th, so hafta see if she is carrying one big single or a smaller pair...but then again, l00ks can be deceiving! LOL
:D =D