JACB Dorper
Overrun with beasties
Well sounds like I am going to be leaning towards kune kunes, and I kinda agree with Tara lol the weather needs to make up its mind I want to start my garden been waiting for it to decided to stay warm before I plant.
I truly think they are the kewlest breed I've found thus far. Hope they make you and your family happy!
My MIL advised me upon residing in this area, don't ever plant the tenders until AFTER June 1st. I have managed to grow corn every place I have lived...course started inside in peat pots, roots not disturbed...cobs are pathetic but man alive, the taste is magical...
My MIL, she's gone now and wouldn't you know...the beans I planted got hit with not one but FOUR days in a row of killer frost in the middle of June--bought $75 worth of seed for a resulting survival of FIVE plants...I can't even ask her, "So want now?" We did get three feeds, so blessed be I guess...better than none?
Short seasons here, lucky with 90 days at best, and why yes, snow in EVERY single month of the year...two inches of snow August 2001??
Potatoes do well until hit by frost that stops growth dead (you get like three weeks AFTER killer frost of magnificent balmy +25 to 30C weather to rub salt in your wounds!).
Oats are great...we get enough cool and wet weather you can really SEE them growing! Gave these a whirl one year, half an acre, hand sown outta coupla five gal buckets...WOOT...then I harvested clumps (gave to geese and two old Jacob ewes as treats) and intend on doing this again for the Kunekunes...I have two sections of electronet, portable charger, move coupla posts IN, let the porkers harvest and feast...I mean how perfect is it to let the beasts harvest their feed, earn their keep, utilize the poo right where its good...yeh, don't work stupid, work smarter!
Everything here is tested, tried and strong (smell ain't all it's cracked up to be, eh?)...
Gotta love it, grow ice worms next...go ice fishing I guess...bwa ha ha!
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm