Glad your bull made it. Years ago one of our cows was not so lucky. We could not figure out why this cow was sick. Got her in the barn and vet came out he did everything he could but she died. Since we were all stumped he did a post mortem on her and found that she had been shot and it caused a...
Have them hang them for 3 weeks. No less. We had our butcher do that and the T-bones were the best we have had.
Find a breeder who has started the calf on hay already. That way you are not dealing with animal that could lose weight by not eating.
We feed our some grain supplements. We do live...
RTG we treat our bulls, as in all 3, with kid gloves. We do not treat them like pets, we always treat them like they are going to charge us at any moment. We do have one with a great temperment who enjoys getting scratched on his tail head, which I like to do standing on the other side of the...
Neighbors! Bah!
Some are good and some I could live without.
As for bulls got to realize AI'ing is not always do able in some ranches. I do a bit of AI'ing but doing our whole herd? Nope.
Bull is more dependable.
Chris had a heifer like that. Cow went to the sale barn calf became a bottle calf.
Turning that calf out with the cow is just asking for a stunted calf or a dead one.
Bottle calves are selling for $400-$500 up here.
I never heard of a clausterphobic cow.
Some cattle are just plain wild and crazy. The calves we keep for ourselves have to have a good disposition or they hit the road.
Good luck on your next cow.
I disagree goodhors. I had talked to our vet and he said yes the main ingredient is the same but due to copyright laws each one has to be different. He also advised us to rotate the pour ons because lice some do get resistant to the one pour on.
Does not matter what great calves she throws or any of that, this cow is a danger to you. Talk to the owner and send her back to them. There is a reason they were willing to get rid of her.
I was chased by a bull while on a 4-wheeler. This same bull charged me in the corral and later stalked me...
First off Welcome to the board.
second take a deep breath.
Are you pouring them or using injection?
Are you using the same pour on each time? If you are go get a different one. We rotate the pour on each time we use it, which is every 6 months. At branding and at weaning.
We had a huge lice...
My Jersey is due at the end of May. I'm still milking her right now. But she is not showing much they normally don't until about a month sometimes less before calving.
I have the big electrical seperator, but no place to put it to run it.
So I just leave my milk in a jar for a couple days and then use a gravy ladel to scim the cream.
For us it depends upon what the grasses are doing.
If we have an area where we fed heavily we will go over it to bust up the manure.
Have a ground moss that will choke off the grasses and we will gpo over those areas when needed.
A Stop Kik is a good investment.
As for the stall a head catch or stanchin to keep the cow standing there is good.
A couple of feed pans. I feed mine her cob while she is getting milked.
Straw. They will poop or pee while being milked its easier to clean up poop in straw.
A stripping cup. I...
I just started this steer in October, sorry I did not weight him. Guessing he might have been around 1000-1100 pounds. He is mainly there to keep my milk cow company and replace the steer we had just had slaughtered. Now that steer had been fed the 10 gallons a day for 120 days and he was 947...
A California Mastitsis testing kit. A mastitsis treatment kit. these are mainly for preventative action. the treatment is a dose of penicilline that is directly injected into that quarter through the teat.
Teat dip.
stainless steel strainer.
Milk filters
Gallon size glass jars. I...