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    BYC is updating, please chat here :)

    :pop Hanging in there....I have patience. Many thanks to everyone that is working hard to keep BYC the great site it is everyday. Y'all are awesome!
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    Tribute to Latestarter

    Although I have not logged on here in quite a long while I did so today to say goodbye to a really great guy. I knew Joe from BYC. Always kind and supportive, always solid good advice and always kind in how he dealt with people. I will miss you Joe. :(
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    Need advice on coop and run from a converted stall

    I found mine were a bit crowded with 12 in an 8x8 coop. BUT my coop also interior nests and a tiny corner cut off for me to enter. I am thinking no one knows your weather better then you. If they may end up cooped up inside for any length of time the extra space is very nice for them.
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    Any idea what breed this is???

    It's a boy for sure. Amberlink??? I need to look up males of that breed.
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    Can a wyandotte have a single comb?

    I know you asked OGM but I do not see her on. They are silver laced Wyandotte's. Hatchery quality but still Wyandotte's. Really most chickens people keep come from hatcheries. I think that you can still call them Wyandotte's. Just let folks know they are good for eggs and pets but not for...
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    rooster or hen?

    Brbnjch, You are right that you got a boy. That comb is huge compared to the pullets in the pic. The saddle feathers are not there yet but they will be. :hugs
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    Chicks and Ducklings together

    So very true Stephine. Ducks grow way to fast to fully brood with chicks too.
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    rooster or hen?

    I LOL since my bantam Cochin is also the big cheese here. I cannot imagine not having her though. I find the lest dramatic way to introduce birds is to wait for her to go broody and let her raise the chicks.
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    Gender of my chicks? Please help.

    Yup still little ladies. The males are very clear about being males very early. The oops male here I knew at just under 3 weeks. I have named him Jerkface Jake since he tries to spar with the dark Brahma chick. I was in denial myself for two whole days. Then I pouted and started looking for a...
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    rooster or hen?

    Tessieo Oh dear. Buy some Kleenex, there is devastation headed your way! That one is a boy. If I had an 8 year old I would not keep a roo as when/if he goes to flogging he is aiming for the face or back of the head. Man that stinks. Maybe find a local breeder that has started pullets and he can...
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    Gender of my chicks? Please help.

    Ohhhhh!!!!! Yes they were indeed just 3 days old and so very cute! They grow those very important little wingies quickly. :)
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    BYC Conversion Questions & Answers (During Conversion)

    Nifty just posted on the locked thread that we may be able to go home tomorrow!! I keep lookin over the fence and hoping my roost is still there. :pop A huge thank you to Nifty and the team for working so hard to help us have a better place!! :hugs y'all are gonna need a vacation! We crazy...
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    Gender of my chicks? Please help.

    Both are female. I know it is still early for most folks to say for sure. BA are my favorite breed by far and I have raised many. Roos tend to have a comb over twice the size in your pics by 4 weeks old. The pink toes have nothing to do with gender. I always think they are cute when all spotted...
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    Chicks and Ducklings together

    Can you put a tray with a lip on it in the brooder and a wire grate on that with the water dish on top of that for now? A round cake pan should work and support the wire under the water dish with a rock or such. If you are using a gallon waterer perhaps a cookie sheet and cooling rack? Get...
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    Need advice on coop and run from a converted stall

    Oh now that IS a nice spot! I think you have a plan that should work well and keep them very happy. The stall size is quite nice as it COULD house many more then you plan to keep. Predators are a worry everywhere. Here in the middle of town we have many hawks, coons, fox, stray dogs, unattended...
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    Need 11-week old chicken sexing assistance...

    All your birds have rounded hackle and saddle feathers, small combs that I would say are only pink and no sickle feathers in the tails. All are still girls.
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    Need 11-week old chicken sexing assistance...

    I don't see any males in there. It looks to me like you got a nice group of gals. Looking again........ I don't see any male feathering and although there is some color in the SS combs it is not much at all and the combs are still small. I have a 5 week old accidental male with a comb just as...
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    The story behind your BYH username

    Mine is easy too. 21 hens that are the boss of me. There are more then that now though. :he math is so hard!
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    Need advice on coop and run from a converted stall

    The east will also give morning sun and afternoon shade in winter and summer. Summer being actually harder on them then winter. Heat is awful for some of my big gals.
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    Need advice on coop and run from a converted stall

    You idea for the bucket loader shovel out is good. I understand your barn configuration now and agree the hardware cloth is also needed. Here in Colorado we can get deep snows and temps well below zero. In the winter I only keep them cooped up if the wind is whipping and we are below 20 for...