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  1. B

    Skinny pullets? Help!!

    Read the feed label. What are the %s for protein and fat? There is a wide range of chicken feed out there for different life stages so if you're using a 15% protein "grower" rather than a 20% starter, that would be a problem. Next, read the date stamp on the seam to be sure it isn't stale or...
  2. B

    6wk wyandotte - hen or roo?

    Looks very much like a pullet in the side shot.
  3. B

    What breed/mix are these?

    It's a cushion comb. Cushion is the result of co-dominance so this chick has both pea and rose comb genes.
  4. B

    Rhode Island Reds ..... Rooster or Hen??

    Cockerel. Too much comb and wattle development for a pullet plus tell-tale dark patch mid-wing.
  5. B

    6wk wyandotte - hen or roo?

    IMO, you need to wait two weeks and then compare the comb/wattles to this pic. They aren't cockerel red yet.
  6. B

    rooster or hen?

    X2 They're too young for obvious male feathers yet but the combs are pretty developed on 2&3.
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    Do you know what this cockerel is?

    Green legs, pea comb, and partially bearded... I vote EE.
  8. B

    Can a wyandotte have a single comb?

    I'd advertise them as pet quality just to avoid anyone complaining later. If you're seriously considering getting into breeding, though, I'd get stock from a breeder. They'll cost a little more but you will be starting with fewer faults to correct. And you really don't want to use a single comb...
  9. B

    Ameraucana chicks? CAN ANYONE IDENTIFY THIS?

    EEs from hatcheries are not crosses but rather descendants of the original landrace stock. And they are often chipmunks but not always. I don't have the old pictures handy but I had two that looked a good bit alike as chicks. Typical chipmunk markings in slightly different hues. One ended up...
  10. B

    Rooster or Hen?

    I can't tell if it's wet feathers or saddles emerging. I just grab the ones that I'm concerned about and look at the saddle area feathers. It's a lot easier to see the shape that way. But, I'm leaning female by the consistent color on the wing, body shape, and age.
  11. B

    Help me identify what breed my chick is

    OK, then, I guess you'd prefer a mystery.
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    What is this guy?

    Agreed, mixed breed cockerel with a good dose of Silkie in there. The parents were likely barnyard mixes too (note the single comb) so no telling what all might be in there.
  13. B

    Help me identify what breed my chick is

    Well, pattern looks like it will be mottled. What does the hatchery you got it from sell that's mottled?
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    Neighbor to freerange peafowl

    I must be a horrible person because my first thought was that if the yard is already fenced, why not get a dog? I'd expect that would discourage peafowl trespassing.
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    Ameraucana chicks? CAN ANYONE IDENTIFY THIS?

    Of 9 so far (one hatchery and 3 separate occasions) zero have looked alike as adults. The gal made an effort to choose two that didn't look like my other chicks and she couldn't have made it any easier to tell them apart! The only thing they have in common is both have very long tails. The...
  16. B

    New to raising chickens. When to put them outside?

    Over on that other forum, I had a couple links to videos I took in my outdoor brooder. They had a heating pad hen and I unpacked them from their transport box straight into the brooder -- they were just a couple days old. It was about 50 and windy so I tacked a bit of plastic sheeting over the...
  17. B

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Yuck! This grass tastes like cardboard! It does? Let me taste! Me too! Me too!
  18. B

    Goat issues

    There is a section on BYH for goats. You'll surely get better help there than posting your question on the chicken thread.
  19. B

    Cornish rocks?

    I'd guess white Rock.