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  1. K

    KNIVES!! What kind/brand is best?

    A good knife is the first step, but get yourself a knife steel, even the pros use the steel regularly. I was using one of those filet knife sharpeners (red plastic with ceramic rods), but I let my buddy use a steel on my blade, it was like a switch was turned on!!
  2. K

    Would like to phase out commercial feed

    You have to decide what's important to you when you raise pigs. Commercial feed is formulated to grow the pigs to market size as fast as possible, but the quality might suffer and the pigs themselves might suffer as they put on more weight then their bones and joints can handle. I worked with...
  3. K

    Dog attack

    There is non-stick bandages that they use at the hospital on wounds, it comes in sheets, it's a mesh that has some kind of jelly on it. My first thought is to get it to dry up ASAP, then use a zinc cream to keep it moisturized to promote healing.
  4. K

    Thinking about getting a jersey for beef

    Calving rates for AI are 70%, for sexed semen it's even lower. Or it was about ten years ago.
  5. K

    What is your favorite Cattle Breed?

    I grew up on a dairy so I love Holsteins, but now if I were to get a dairy cow it would be a jersey. I just really hate basterdize dairy cattle with beef cross bred.
  6. K

    Should we or shouldn't we?

    No, don't do it Reason 1.your husband isn't on board Reason 2.Its going to take a lot of your resources.
  7. K

    Help - how to stop my piglets' bad behavior!

    Pigs will "feel" with their noses, they will push on anything that moves. They'll make associations with food, so don't let them see you as a source. Don't expect livestock to be pets or act like a dog.
  8. K

    Getting new pigs to get along, Tips N Tricks?

    This is late, but there's a spray that you spray in their noses that can stop fighting, you'd find it at a ag supply store. Or you could try rubbing any kind of scent into their noses and over the new pig. If you plan to mix them there is no time that's better then the other
  9. K

    How to not get attached?

    I grew up on a farm with registered Holsteins, if there was a injured bull calf that we had to keep he got a name (all the heifers had names). My dad was a stonch conservative (Canadian political party), the names were the leaders of the other parties, we had Jean's, Preston's and Stockwell the...
  10. K

    Cleaning out a deep litter barn.

    IMHO straw is like laying rebar in the manure, you get one monolithic slab. I keep telling my wife no straw in the chicken coop. Shavings can be shovelled and turned periodically.
  11. K

    do you slaughter out of sight/sound of the rest of the herd/flock?

    You could also use a hammer for blunt force, or buy a bolt gun (blitz kerner is cheep)
  12. K

    will pregnant sow allow boar to mount?

    My experience is a sow that's not in heat will scream rape to the high heavens if a boar tries anything.
  13. K

    When is my Sow due? help!!

    Gestation is 115 days for pigs, but since you don't know when they were bred it probably won't help
  14. K

    Sows not taking after being serviced

    Are your boars keeping cool? Have your other sows ever had litters before? Have your boars had litters before? Are they all housed together? Can you get your boars semen tested?
  15. K

    Cracked Hooves in Gelding..Update Pg. 2

    My wife bought an Appaloosa about a year ago, she had always had shoes because of a crack in her front hoof. She was giving her a feed supplement, I think it was "hooflex", but not the conditioner (I just picked up a pail for her and it wasn't the right stuff. But she doesn't have shoes on...
  16. K

    possible sick piglet

    If she is going to be used as a farrowing sow I think your doing it the right way. Commercial breeding stock is rasied just like slaughter stock, grown way to fast for the structure = joint issues.
  17. K

    which is better for taste

    I think I would like Landrace, not because of taste but the looonnnggg loin
  18. K

    Old boars

    I manage a commercial boar herd, when I cull a load of boars I never do anything special, just chase them all on the trailer, I do try to have enough so they don't have too much room and the banging that goes on is loud. We did try once to cut off the tusks of the boars, but it was a gong show...