They will all be good. However, I have a neighbor who claims that Berkshires are best. I doubt that most people can tell the difference, because fresh pork that has been raised and fed properly is great!
we have had all 3 breeds, as well as several others (old spot, hampshire, landrace and thier crosses) and we seem to find it's how and what you feed them, that make them tasty. Pic one this year, and go with another breed next time. raise them the same, and see for yourself. thats the only way you'll really know.....and you will have some delicious meat doing it.
Best tasting pig is the Wild pig. We raised pigs for about 5 years until it became too labour intense for us. The last dozen pigs we raised were wild boar pigs... best dang meat ever! They don't have that piggy taste I find in most pork.