Thanks for the insight @misfitmorgan. In my avi, its the two goats in the middle, pic was taken last summer. So if Joli carries the spotted gene, the dad Obi is supposed to be carrying the drapple gene. Was just confused on Black. lol But she has gotten really pretty.
Joli kidded two beautiful doelings this morning. Everything was pretty textbook. Her udder almost doubled yesterday after it doubled two days ago. Omg she is definitely going to be a Milker, just got to read how to do it.
One thing I am confused about is a black and white Boer Goat. Where did...
Wow, I’m so excited. She has been great throughout this pregnancy so far. I had to grab her and hold her to feel her udder, boy it’s bigger than it looks and heavy. I would say a gallon of milk maybe out of nowhere. :)
Dotti only got half this size even after she kidded. So... since this...
Black and white pics were taking on Monday 4/22, but nothing changed this morning and these other pics are from an hour ago when I run out to look. Thank you. Flash backs are coming from last time so I'm nervous and excited. Please wish me luck! I hope this time I just sit around and watch and...
Hi Everybody. Some may know me from last fall with my first time and FF Dotti, which nothing was textbook on her her pregnancy. Well now I am back with Joli she has two DD. One is today April 25th and the other is next week May 3rd.
I have had no problems with her at all and this time around...
Hi there, we just went through a kidding and the most reliable sign we had was the pre kidding string. It is a long clear gel like thick thing over a foot long. She went into labor shortly after. With the udder, my Dotti stayed small with about a pint of milk, her udder did not fill in tight...
In loving memory of Brawn (Nov 14th - Dec 18th)
We made the decision to put Brawn down yesterday when we discovered he had Cleft Palate. I hope this story can help someone else. When you know something is not right but cannot put your finger on it, keep reaching out, asking questions and...
Thank you, I will let you know how it goes. I am waiting for my husband and we will do it this afternoon or this evening. I'm dreading it, but I know it has to be done. :(
Thank you for your words of encouragement!!! It is very sad and heartbreaking, I delivered my little guy. I am so relived to actually know what is going on. I have giving Brawn all kinds of treatments, supplements, vitamins and minerals thinking it could be worms or deficiency. Again, this is...
I understand. We have made the decision to put him down this afternoon. I looked up in there in the sunlight and I can see into his nose cavity really well. Honestly, I have kept him alive and put a belly on him, but he has gotta heavier but not growing and flureshing like he should. When you...
Thank you, it all makes sense now. Not once during all my reading for Brawn ever mention this. I never thought to check. Now i know to always check after birth. I am thinking to put Coco back with Dotti before she dries up. I just thought if i could get Brawn caught up with his sister than...
I am sad to write this. I did some reading up on the bite and parrot mouth. After looking at Brawn this morning, he has an underbite that completely misses the top gums. But what is even more concerning is I discovered he has maybe a cleft palate. His is curved and the...
Thank you so much! Yes Dotti loves raisins, carrots and apples.
Googling is a lot of misinformation. Half the stuff is do and half the stuff is don’t. :)
I am so overwhelmed by all the support of you all. @Baymule @frustratedearthmother @StarSpangledNubians
I’m probably like a lot of others that said “hey let’s get some goats”, not knowing all the work that goes into it. But I am so attached and cannot image not having them now, but i was...