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  1. Dale HWA

    Lambs and Rams

    I separate at 60 days, i have another small pasture that can sustain 2 sheep full time so I'll put my ram lamb and my main guy in there in about 3 weeks. Im looking to grow my flock substainitally right now so as much as i dont want a surprise lamb (and i know its not the best for the sheep) it...
  2. Dale HWA

    Lambs and Rams

    Also, with my Hair sheep (dorper) they stop cycling while nursing. So I leave my ram in until I have a ram lamb that I need to wean. It promotes the 2 males to bond, and causes less issues when i separate them out from the females, they don't get so lonely and area already used to each other.
  3. Dale HWA

    Drowned Lamb

    @Sheepshape Im sorry to hear of the lamb passing. its so sad to see life lived so short. but its amazing some of the victories you've had that you shared! That second young ewe that had pneumonia and then had twins!!! that's amazing!!!! with victory comes defeat... we just hope we win more than...
  4. Dale HWA

    Dale HWA's 2019 Lambing

    OOOOKAY!!!! so we had a very slow month... what i thought was the beginning of lambing, was, well... not. we went away at the beginning of march and before that i was checking the sheep every evening after dark for labour... but nothing. we went away, came back to no lambs... so I have been...
  5. Dale HWA

    1st pregnancy udder development?

    awesome, thanks for the info!!!, i noticed with my ewe's that they have a little give but inside its quite tight once they have milk... i know this because about 3 hours after i felt one ewe she LAMBED!!! while i was at work!!! a little baby ewe lamb!!! we are so thrilled!!!
  6. Dale HWA

    Dale HWA's 2019 Lambing

    WOW she is wider than she is tall!!! These are also their first lambs, so there may be only 1 lamb in each.
  7. Dale HWA

    Dale HWA's 2019 Lambing

    Well, Still no more lambs yet, Im nervous as Our family is away this weekend, so i spent my saturday building 2 lambing jugs in our "barn" for the 2 pregnant ewes we still have (Anna and Eva) my kids are hoping for Rams, which means they get paid a bit of the proceeds, but My Wife an I are...
  8. Dale HWA

    ShepherdO's First Lambing - Pics included :)

    Congrats!!! i'm also into my first lambing season, we've already had 1 ram lamb, and i have only 2 more ewes to deliver, but we are going away this weekend so i'll be putting them in lambing pens... i really hope they hold off until i get home!!! I love this party of our hobby. its so exciting...
  9. Dale HWA

    2019, Waiting on lambs!

    how do you choose who to cover and who doesnt get covered? Also, BEAUTIFUL country!!!
  10. Dale HWA

    Dale HWA's 2019 Lambing

    @Sheepshape she's actually a Dorper and on the smaller side. She has grown some since then but she still s a little 'runty' Thanks for the info. I've read up a lot on lambing but it's just that much more reassuring when someone actually tells you what to expect. Thanks!!!
  11. Dale HWA

    21st Feb....3 weeks to go

    That flock is what i hope to be looking at with mine in 5-6 years time... if we get all ewes it could be sooner but when has that ever happened?!?
  12. Dale HWA

    Dale HWA's 2019 Lambing

    So we've had 1 ram lamb already, waiting on 2 more ewes to lamb any day (i think) i didn't have a marker but they are big and slow moving girls now. Went out tongiht to take a look at Anna, and she was slightly grunting, her udder is developing a little but is definately not big (first birth...
  13. Dale HWA

    Baymule’s 4th Lambing

    HAHA yes! no one else i know wants to geek out on Sheep and lambs, My Sister-in-Law loves chickens, shes a self admitted chicken lady. but me, I'm a sheep guy!!!
  14. Dale HWA

    Baymule’s 4th Lambing

    hahaha, I've found my people here! I'm all about putting things in the freezer that I know what has gone into them. Last year i got to take a Deer off a private ranch, that was so nice! this year im looking forward to see how many lambs we get, if its more than 2 rams, 1 will go in my freezer...
  15. Dale HWA

    2019, Waiting on lambs!

    haha they are SO fluffy!!!! so cute!!!
  16. Dale HWA

    2019, Waiting on lambs!

    NICE! that is a lot of light for a little solar panel! how long does the light last?
  17. Dale HWA

    Heartwood acres Journal

    @RollingAcres thanks! I plan on taking lots more pictures!!! My wife and I have 4 children, we knew we wanted sheep and I had time to fence a pasture last year so I did it and we found these Dorpers off a large operation about 5 hours away so my wife and I hopped in the truck with a sheep box I...
  18. Dale HWA

    Coffee anyone ?

    Haha shipping snow reminds me of 2010 in Vancouver when they shipped snow from the interior mountains so we could have snow for the Olympics... Today is a beautiful bluebird day and tomorrow is 2-4 inches of snow.... spring needs to arrive sooner than later... more coffee...
  19. Dale HWA

    Misfitmorgan's - Babies 2020

    @misfitmorgan aw I'm sorry to hear you lost some little ones! So sad! How many more mutts do you have left to drop lambs?
  20. Dale HWA

    Heartwood acres Journal

    Well, its been a crazy winter here in southern BC canada, we had a very mild christmas time and january only to get hit with snow starting the 2nd week of February. And in the midst of it all we got our newest addition to our little farm. A new baby ram lamb named charger. His mother Goldberry...