OOOOKAY!!!! so we had a very slow month... what i thought was the beginning of lambing, was, well... not. we went away at the beginning of march and before that i was checking the sheep every evening after dark for labour... but nothing. we went away, came back to no lambs... so I have been keeping an eye on udder development, and really no new size changes...
UNTIL!!!!! wednesday last week we had MAJOR changes in Eva. she was so wide i was expecting twins from her. Her udder got BIG FAST!!! and stiff too (milk was coming in) so friday morning i go out and give the sheep some grain, Eva's "lady bits" were super swollen and would jiggle when she ran (hehehe). She really doesnt like to be touched but i managed to grab her and tried to feel for a baby (but couldn't) so off to work I went. ( I work service and manage my own schedule, allows me to have flexible hours)
I left home at 8am, then at 11am my wife messages me and says that EVA has had her LAMB!!!! we are SO thrilled to have a little ewe lamb to add to our flock!!!
I remember our first kid goat! It was SO exciting! Well, each one (or two) is exciting. But, the first is the one you will always remember.
We are currently waiting on April, to kid. She came to us from Joe’s (Latestarter’s) herd. According to his kidding calendar, she was due last Tuesday. She seems to be laying around a lot. On Tues. I checked ligaments, lady parts and udder and no signs of labor at all, although we could see babies moving around on her right side. Wed. And Thursday, more of the same, although I did see some tail flagging. Friday, her ligaments (back by her tail) were partially gone. It is now Sunday (and still dark out), and unless she kidded overnight, still no kid(s). This is her 3rd freshening, and she usually kids twins, so that is what I am hoping for.