No we’re pretty sure they died right before the spring. Apparently, they starved to death with food all around them. We had the hard candy sugar above the frames - but one box too high. We had plenty of full frames in the brood hive but not next to the center. They ate what they could get to...
I tried curing bacon and used the calculator from Digging Dog Farm. My buddy swears by it. The cuts of meat I got were essentially scraps, but I brined them in zip lock bags for 11-12 days as they supposedly will only absorb so much. Rinsed, dried for a day and then smoked. Every batch was...
That is an interesting thought. I hadn’t thought of that. As we feed our two new packaged bees....we built their new homes with open frames from the old colonies with full honey frames. We’ve fed sugar water as well but we honestly have NEVER had the bees stop taking it. Whether we were in...
I really enjoy our community when we meet. We did the trial and error thing for a year and a half and failed miserably. Our learning curve went straight up when we started attending. Every bee owner should be a member of a local bee association! Sometimes though they need a nudge getting...
We do and we’re a member, however with all the scare going on we haven’t been meeting so I’m putting this out there for anyone to comment on and hopefully they will too! This forum is much unused by the bee community.
After this mild winter, insulating 2 of 3 hives, treating for mites, and putting sugar “blocks” on top of frames for winter we were super excited that we should finally be in a good standing to catch the honey flow! Upon spring inspecting there just weren’t that many bees, and saw one marked...
I’m sorry you haven’t received much help here. I’ve been on this site only since January and have found my local beekeepers meetings to be much More helpful than here. I’ve posted a link to a Connecticut one that may be able to help you out. They are at least for your area and you may be able...
Hey all, Is there a reason why the bees wouldn’t use part of a frame and then have capped honey on the same frame right next to it? It’s happened on about 5 different frames in 2 different brood boxes but only in one hive. There aren’t any wires that have burned through on these, they’re...
@Beekissed thank you for the compliments! My choice in color and hubbys ingenuity for the hive stands. However, as you can see there is one drawback to them once you put the super on, if (thank heaven) you had two you almost need a step-ladder to get in them! So if any of you out there are...
2 million blossoms - it’s a book dedicated to the medicinal benefits of honey. They do clarify that its based off raw honey and that our typical American store bought honey has been heated and processed which kills off a lot of the “stuff” in honey that’s beneficial. Some of it can be...
We have 3 hives. 2 were Nucs we got from a local guy. We’ve lost our bees the last 2 winters so this summer when we got the new ones in a timely manner we decided to split one to increase our odds. Interesting enough, the hive we split has completely taken over the other two. We waited a...
There are typically some dead bees in a nuc when you get them. Once installed they clean house by carrying the dead out to the front and dumping them. By day 5 though you really should check that the queen is out. Previously we’ve had to scrape a little away to make sure she could get out...
I re-posted an article after seeing ANOTHER Pyr returned to our local shelter. I’ve seen many, many Great Pyrs wandering and wounded in neighborhoods and have now read (after researching your site for the last couple months) losses and dilemmas about new dogs/pups and which breed to use. This...
As a side note, after some quick research, domino sugar is cane sugar. But apparently some discount sugars are beet sugar and don’t supplement bee life even though they’ll drink it like normal cane sugar water.
Thanks guys, anyone know why they died or thoughts? Also, @HomeOnTheRange, do you always feed pollen in the spring? Do you use an inside feeder in the winter or a regular outside feeder?
Both hives gone. :hit Again! We got into them today, 1st hive that was from the swarm had comb drawn out but no honey, it was all clean. Very little dead brood and no dead bees. Second hive, that was strong all last year, and we think we saw just before the last rains...also gone. The queen...
I went to my first bee meeting today. Holy cow lots of information. John of Wolfcreek apiary advocates feeding Cane sugar as opposed to regular sugar and ensuring pollen feeding/supplements in the fall. I’ve lost two hives in two years over winter. I insulated this year and we know one hive...