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  1. CraftyHen


    NZ Reds. Been looking for Reds for a long while. And thanks for the response.:)
  2. CraftyHen


    Today I purchased two young bunnies, 10 weeks. The breeder's barn had zero air circulation - no windows, fans, etc. and the ammonia was overpowering. They seem otherwise healthy and the adults appeared okay. I'm just curious if there could be any hidden health issues from breathing in the...
  3. CraftyHen

    Can someone ID this photo as a “grass” or “weed?”

    It looks like Japanese Stiltgrass which is considered an invasive weed.
  4. CraftyHen

    Kits photo thread - post the cuteness here

    Aww not your fault, nature takes its course. Unfortunately, we're left to tidy up after and feel the guilt.
  5. CraftyHen

    Kits photo thread - post the cuteness here

    Our litters are a month old now. Had 3 kindle within a day of each other but 1 mama got sick and we lost the kits. These other litters are doing great.
  6. CraftyHen

    Doe appears to have abandoned litter

    Well We got some kitten milk replacer and have hand fed the litter tonight. They're so tiny. 😣
  7. CraftyHen

    Please help. Sick doe?

    I posted earlier in the breeding forum that I was concerned 1 of my does had abandoned her kits. But so think she might be ill. When I checked everything this evening, the doe laid down, head on cage floor and seemed sick. Listless. She is 2 weeks post kindle. I've not dealt with a sick...
  8. CraftyHen

    Doe appears to have abandoned litter

    I've never had this issue before. Any advice appreciated! The doe is about 9-10 months, this is her first litter. She made a great nest and up until last 2 days has taken excellent care of the kits. I had noticed her kits are smaller and less active than those in the other 2 litters born at...
  9. CraftyHen

    My girl Alice...

  10. CraftyHen

    Help with a colour?

    YouTube: Flat Wabbit Rabbitry "Color Genetics 101 Series" Its several 10-15 min videos explaining each locus and he shows examples of the color or pattern using his rabbits. It's very well done. Take notes!
  11. CraftyHen

    Big day in the Rabbitry

    June Bug's. June Bug's at 1 wk old. Lots of colors! Cotton's at 1 wk, 1 day: Evelyn's at 1 wk. I think they are all black.
  12. CraftyHen

    Big day in the Rabbitry

    You're getting 30?? I usually breed Rex but these are crossed. 1. Cali doe, Rex buck. 2. Rex doe, Champagne d'Argent buck. 3. Rex doe, NZ buck. The Rex grow out slowly so I'm looking to see who does best this summer in grow pens. Will continue with pure Rex's too because I love them.
  13. CraftyHen

    Rabbit Hutch Build

    This is a really nice build! Good job! I'm happy to see others go thru many of the same process we do when tackling a project. Haha! Our go-to phrase is: "it's not a project unless there's blood" lol and inevitably, something somewhere ends up scratched, knicked, jabbed, etc and one of us is...
  14. CraftyHen

    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    What specifically are you feeding? Adult bucks, open does get Manna PRO 16% pellets and Timothy hay. Nursing mamas and kits get Manna GRO pellets I believe it's 18%; Calf Manna. Kits get some alfalfa hay. What are you adding to supplement it? Kale. Lots of kale. apple, banana, carrot, broccoli...
  15. CraftyHen

    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    Some of mine chew the bark off then ignore it and others will continue to gnaw. Depends on the rabbit. 😄
  16. CraftyHen

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Mr Coffee & June Bug in the "action pen"
  17. CraftyHen

    Insane rabbit demand

    Gotta love that rabbit poop. Haha
  18. CraftyHen

    Best Goat Pen Location

    I agree with above about weather. While 2nd location sounds better my first thought was "what about when its below 0 and snowing" lol, because I deal with that all winter. Maybe you're in a better location.