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  1. Jeannie J

    Ewe won't let newborn lamb nurse

    Ditto what everyone else is saying about penning them together. I have a ewe who is turning out to be a terrible mother, but I penned them together for 4 days in a small confinement so that baby could nurse. I had to help the baby find where to nurse a few times, but once he got the hang of it...
  2. Jeannie J

    Ewe butting heads with the ram

    I am on here because I have the same question! I have a young ewe, who, quite frankly, acts like the boys, she buts heads with the rams, jumps around, and is generally mischievious. My other ewe who is not much older than her acts very much like what you would expect out of a ewe, docile, a...
  3. Jeannie J

    New to here and sheep

    Hello, I purchased 4 hair sheep last September and despite the amount of research I did, there's always another question I have. We just had one ewe give birth to twins, my kids are so excited! They are certainly cute little buggers. We have 5 acres that badly need saving from the invasive...