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  1. artsyrobin

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    honestly, its easier on the eyes and mind here...LOL! I don't do massive change well...:)
  2. artsyrobin

    Chickens diet

    stay away from raw potato peels- toxic to them- maybe cook the turnip peels to make it easy for them to eat?
  3. artsyrobin

    All the BYC people - please help!!!!

    hows she doing now??
  4. artsyrobin

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    well, byc is back, but you guys have captured me here too... so will be here off and on... even if i don't have herds...sigh
  5. artsyrobin

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    i know- pretty scary when you check facebook to see how family members are doing..... so glad byh is here!
  6. artsyrobin

    All the BYC people - please help!!!!

    can you post a pic? i am wondering if you could apply a drawing salve first, before lancing it?
  7. artsyrobin

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    kind of reminds me of when we had an ice storm a few years back- 8 days of no power.... no internet.... took a bit of adjusting.... we had to learn to talk and interact...LOL!
  8. artsyrobin

    Sick mother hen not eating or drinking :(

    have you picked her up and checked her vent at all? try changing the litter, and make her stand a few minutes to break out of her broody mind set?
  9. artsyrobin

    Sick mother hen not eating or drinking :(

    try dropping some water on her beak, she will instinctively drink it
  10. artsyrobin

    Sick mother hen not eating or drinking :(

    i give mine gamebird feed- cuz its higher in protien, try her on some scrambled eggs, yogurt, things she will want to share with the babies
  11. artsyrobin

    Chicken Thread

    that silky mama raised 3 keets, they depoofed her, so i seperated them and no sooner did i do that, she went broody again- flo the eternal broody!
  12. artsyrobin

    Chicken Thread

    flight practice....
  13. artsyrobin

    Chicken Thread

    and a serama stink eye
  14. artsyrobin

    Chicken Thread

    some of my fav pics ee hugs
  15. artsyrobin

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    do you herd guys here realize us crazy chicken folk are insidious and your quiet neighborhood has just gotten a bit more noisy???
  16. artsyrobin

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    you have awesome talent!!!
  17. artsyrobin

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    where would that be???
  18. artsyrobin

    Hello! Visiting from BYC!

    :frow hi folks! yupper, another bycer..... hope ya don't mind us invading...:idunno
  19. artsyrobin

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    another byc refugee checking in, might even hang out here the rest the day! :frow love the cow smilyes too!! i had horses as a kid, but now its birds, and maybe someday some herd animals- i am in eastern oklahoma and seriously in withdrawals! i have chickens, ducks, geese, guineas....
  20. artsyrobin

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    boy, i knew byc was a major part of my day- but goodness! talk about withdrawals!!