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  1. M

    goat sickness

    Your friend got a deal! I can almost understand the breeder not wanting to deal with the pinkeye...since it is so contagious and time consuming. I wish someone could tell me how long this will go on. Jack seems to be at a standstill. The cloudiness will not budge. We are at about the two...
  2. M

    New Buck and Does need names..... Please help

    The doeling at the bottom reminds me of our Cremella horse. Her name is Sierra. Very pretty. Congratulations.
  3. M

    Kinda Scared

    I have known many horsemen to start horses at two and three. It just depends on the horse. Ground work is huge. And, creating a bond with the horse is essential. If the horse does not trust you, and you do not trust the horse, chances are it will be a rough ride. Not a trainer, not an...
  4. M

    goat sickness

    :D:thumbsupFinally, we got the Terramycin opthalmic salve yesterday, and administered it much easier than what we anticipated. It has been about a week, and we have done everything. We actually have been using port wine squirted into his eyes for the past few days. I read where one farmer...
  5. M

    goat sickness

    Just finished doctoring Jack again. I see improvement, but still worried. The eyes are cloudy and weeping still, but he is more active...even went out into the sunlight despite my wishes (not for long, though). Gave him more Duramycin solution orally and administered eye salve. I am hoping...
  6. M

    goat sickness

    We have two rotten (and I mean ROTTEN) baby pygmy goats we got a couple of months ago, so we have wormer ready. We just wanted to get him used to being here, get his diet stable, then hit him with the wormer. I hate that he is sick. He has been a neat addition to the farm. My heeler is...
  7. M

    goat sickness

    Thanks so much for the response. We are treating him with a topical eye solution, but it is not an antibiotic. Our TSC was out of a lot of the goat supplies so I got some Duramycin to add to water and the topical. We will check another place tomorrow for the antibiotic ointment. We are...
  8. M

    goat sickness

    We recently adopted a male goat, Jack. After only a week he was vomiting badly. We used a home remedy and were able to stop the vomiting. Now he has what appears to be pinkeye. Both eyes are weeping badly and are clouded over to the point where he cannot see at all out of the one eye...