He got a bath last night - it didn't do much good to get rid of the eggs, but it washed a lot of the dead lice out of his coat and he smells yummy now (tea tree oil and lavender wash). After the wash - a lot of fresh pink skin was showing where scabs had come away - they are clearing from his...
Another question - how do you treat Coccidia??
After doing a NZ search it appears expensive/lengthy and involved? I would have assumed - being a parasite treatment is relatively straight forward for a small burden?
Would you still suspect Coccidia if the fecae are normal?
Head desk - why did i not think of taking a temp. Will do that asap.
I took a nit comb to him at lunch today..... hordes of eggs EVERYWHERE. So many I can't get them out - any ideas??
Worst place I'm finding them are around the ears and face... I can scrub and loosen some up but argh - so...
At a bit of a loss today.
Thumper(as we have named him) doesn't seem to happy.
The other leg was swollen this morning - whether its from being wet and bandaged, or because I nicked a blood vessel when trimming his feet and its infected - I don't know he won't put weight on the leg. - So the...
Hokey pokey all. A Update.
The morning after the ivermectin - dead lice and/or mites were just falling off in droves.
Kinda gross.... couldn't touch him without coming away with a handful of iodine colour mites.
Not sure where I updated last - he got a wash in betadine, blow dried (it was bad...
I was going to add - that you need to keep a bandage on as long as possible.
Removing the bandage/changing wound temperature and playing with it can be detrimental to fast healing.
At the most - once every 7-10 day remove bandage, scrub clean (you will only be removing the prelayed...
I recommend everyone should visit NZ if they get the chance - its a long flight, but so much to do in such a small space.
Is there anything against feeding oil (like soyabean or flaxseed oil) as I have both and they will up the protein intake. The horse feed has 11% protein off the top of my...
Any comments on the horse feed vs proper goat feed vs calf feed?
I don't think vacc's will come for a couple of weeks once i know what we are dealing with. And i'll have to get the vet to show me where how - I do my own horses/cattle but not comfortable doing the goat!
Maybe my horse feed would be a better alterntive than calf.
Its pre-formulated with Se in it (a bit safer than direct dosing), has 2x calcium than phos.
We don't have alf here, its either meadow chaff or lucern (damp with molasses or dry). I'm all out of either - so its going to have to be...
Thanks for the welcome!
I'll answer as best I can - I have only got one picture from last night because it was getting dark and I wanted to get him in the doll house to keep warm - it was exceptionally windy last night (gusts up to 100km/hr) at least it wasn't snowing.
Tieing - I don't really...
I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment.
Today my partner picked up a young goat/kid from where he works that had been hanging around the site for the last day or so.
Two big things about it that we need help with.
- Front legs are obviously not working as they should. Similar to a calf that you...