I was wondering that myself since I live in Belize, it would be kinda pricey to get them sent here. But no much is available for me to use here. I use the herbal wormer from Hoeggers and add a little Diathaneous Earth to their food. So far, we're doing pretty well. Vet will be here this week to...
So Sorry. I know how tragic and stressful this is for you. I had one goat attacked by a pit bull years ago in Arkansas. I was a basket case for weeks. And that was only one animal. The dog crushed her jaw and shattered the roof of her mouth. I tube fed her for months. She lived, healed and...
They are always rubbing their horns on stuff. Maybe she just rubbed the hair off. I'd just put some coconut oil (plentiful here in Belize) or an antiseptic cream on it.
Great info to know. I am contemplating buying one of the manuel separators so good to know it works well. It will cost me more since I have to have it sent to a freight hauler company in the US, then pay the freight hauler and customs duty on it. I will need to figure out a way for it to be a...
You can use a regular kitchen strainer with a coffee filter in it. Getting the milk cold quickly is the key to good taste. If you can't afford a stainless steel bucket, an enamel pot will do just fine. I use a little plastic can and then pour the milk into a stainless steel stock pot with a lid...
I mix a teaspoon or so in each food bowl every day. They seem to notice if it is not in there and give me that look. I also have a little tray wired to the fence in the girls pen so they have more when they need it. Here in Belize we have very high humidity and we're in the rainy season so it is...
Monsanto is trying to get their seeds into Belize. Some have been done illegally. They found GMO soy and "destroyed" it by sending it to the feed mill to get ground into animal feed. The chicken feed and corn are all imported from the US. I know that the pellets I feed have GMO soy and corn but...
Mine chew up whole corn just fine. Some days they pick it all out to eat first. Just remember that most corn is the US is GMO unless you know exactly who grew it.
Make sure that she doesn't have parasites/worms as they eat up a lot of the goats nutrition. I'd add ProBios to her food and a bit of corn. It took me over two years to get mine into condition. They were thin and scruffy when I got them. Now their fur is very nice and they look rounded.
I wouldn't give them potato greens. I think that is in the nightshade family of plants. Any other "weed" should be fine. I toss all mine into the goat yard hoping that some may take root or there might be something that isn't growing in their yard. ;)
I don't think the essential oils would be bad for the goats. I've tried some mixed with water and it didn't work at all. As soon as it dried on their fur, flies/mosies were back. But I have seen sprays sold with essential oils for use on horses so they should work on goats as well.
I tried the...
Try leaning into her with your head. I had one that sat down and I never thought we'd get over that. My husband had to hold her by her tail after we tried using a bucket under her. She still would crouch down and I couldn't get my hand in to milk her. Now she is fine and stands perfectly. She's...
Mine sure can tell which bowl is a different color. If someone other than Pepper gets the blue bowl, she will just stand there looking at me like I'm stupid, I should know better. Even the little doeling likes a yellow bowl better than the brown one.
Life would be so dull without goats!:cool:
Allie, first time freshener, weaned off her doeling at about 4 months. A few weeks later when we started to tether her kid, she started to let her nurse again. She's now 7 months old and Allie still lets her nurse. I've been locking her up at night with a 1 month old and she comes out to the...
All of our wear collars with the exception of the little wether whose collar comes off at night or if we are not going to be home. Reason is that in playing with the buck, his collar has gotten caught in OB's horns and he was choking.
It is much easier to control feeding if they can be tethered...
Wow. Mozzarella is not the easiest cheese to start with so you did real good! Chevre is easy and doesn't need the milk heated very much. Yep, you need more goats.
Sometimes mine will eat cut up oranges and other times not at all. All of mine like mangoes and raisins. Raisins, not grapes. You never know what will work for snacks. :barnie
I use raw milk. When I tried to pasteurize, I always ended up scalding the milk and that tastes awful. I do sell some milk and chevre cheese and I tell my customers that it is raw milk.
I found that raw goat milk doesn't do well for yogurt, it comes out too thin. I know recipes say to add...