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  1. T

    First Goats

    Yes, it always seems like no matter how big you build, it just wasn't big enough! lol Love the dog in your avatar. Wouldn't be without a Catahoula in the house. Here's a pic of our boy.
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    First Goats

    Well, we started from scratch. No fencing, no barn, etc. Two years is actually a bit of a stretch. We set the fence posts in the fall (fenced about two acres of pasture) , then strung wire, built the shelter, ran power, etc. last summer. Everything was ready by last fall, but we decided...
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    First Goats

    After two years of preparation and planning, our first goats are home. We have three fainter wethers, all about 8-9 weeks old. They are spending a lot of time lounging in the shelter, probably due to the new surroundings and the 85 degree temps. We'll keep you posted on how they are doing!
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    Progress on Fence & Shelter

    Definitely! Knowing the true cost would just be frustrating. My pack rat tendencies tend to annoy my wife at times, but in this case it paid off.
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    Progress on Fence & Shelter

    The shelter is 8X10. I really don't know the cost. All of the 4x4 posts, siding and plywood were leftovers from a few years of other projects. The only thing purchased new was roofing and paint. Spent a total of $100 or so. The fence is another story....:D
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    Progress on Fence & Shelter

    I understand. :) Here are the pics:
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    Hello from rhode island

    Welcome from another newbie!
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    Hello from Indiana

    Thanks for the welcome!
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    damn dogs....

    Sorry for your loos. Situations like this are tough, especially when family is involved. I hope you get things resolved quickly! We are very careful about containing and controlling our dogs. Would hate to be responsible for an incident like this!
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    Just Hanging Out (PIX)

    I'm glad your chickens are secure! I love watching hawks, but once they discover and easy meal, they tend to return.
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    Goats and chickens

    We're planning to pasture our chickens and goats together. We will have a separate coop with attached pen for the chcens so we can keep them separated if we want. Our biggest concern is goat feed contamination. (chicken poop) But, we want to free range our chickens and don't have enough...
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    Hello from Indiana

    Hi everyone. New members from Indiana here. We're working on setting up our three acre mini farm for goats, chickens, and ?? Looks like a great place to hang out and gain some insight!
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    Looking for Goat Safe Barn Paint!

    Great tip! We'll have to give that a try.
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    Fun afternoon in the woods! **PICS**

    Great pictures! Looks like a great way to spend the day!
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    Keeping buck and doe together all the time

    If you don't mind unknown breeding times, it shouldn't be a problem. We prefer separate quarters, but have firends who run their bucks & does together without any major problems.
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    Progress on Fence & Shelter only took a year, but all of the posts are in and the fence wire is strung. The goat shelter is about 90% complete. Could have finished a lot sooner, but other projects got in the way. Have to finish the interior of the shed, and we are making hinged panels to close in the top...