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  1. P

    Vaginal Prolapse and labor? Need some advice

    I know that by now if your ewe was prolapsing then without a vet's help it is probably too late to do much. A prolapse can be dealt with if caught in it's early stage but the more tissue that is forced outside makes it harder to get back in and keep it inside the ewe. A plastic retainer is a...
  2. P

    Need advice on 3 week old lamb, mom passed away unexpectedly

    Just keep working with him, not as easy to get a lamb of his age to take a bottle as a new-born but can be done. You may want to try some cow's milk first as the smell/ taste will be closer to ewe's milk. And yes, the lamb is old enough to begin eating some dry feed and nibbling on hay. Neighbor...
  3. P

    day 154 STILL no lamb *but* her sister finally lambed (pics: post #13)

    So glad that you finally have you a lamb, bet Peacey's sister will probably soon surprise you as well. They do seem to like to wait til the weather takes a turn for the worse! I have heard that a low pressure system for some reason causes births to happen. Last week I had about 7 ewes lamb in...
  4. P

    Guard donkeys killing lambs.

    I raise miniature donkeys, goats and sheep and they all share the same pasture(s). I do have problems sometimes with younger donkeys(under 1 yr.) chasing lambs. I believe it is just playing and not anything malicious but a very young lamb got get stomped. My jack has never been a threat at all...
  5. P

    milk replacer brands

    Land-of-Lakes is the only milk replacer that I have used and it seemed to do the trick for my orphans, they grew well on it. Best of success in your bottle-feeding, it is quite a chore!
  6. P

    More triplets!

    Another one of my Katahdin ewes lambed with triplets today, unfortunately the first born was still-born. Ewe seemed to have a little trouble birthing it as it took a while. After it was out the other two came quickly. So far out of the 7 ewes to lamb have had two sets of triplets, one set of...
  7. P

    day 154 STILL no lamb *but* her sister finally lambed (pics: post #13)

    Those first two do look like they are bagging out, some ewes show a little more than other's. Also, looks like their "Hoo-ha's"(?) are getting ready for the day as well. Some ewes also don't always watch the calendar so don't deliver right on the 150 day mark. It is so hard to be patient isn't it?
  8. P

    Busy day with lambing

    Yesterday was a very busy day as my ewes starting lambing. Had put my ram with them the first of Nov. as I thought to try for warmer temps for birthing( April) Anyway I woke to about 3 in. of new snow( wouldn't you know it!) and went out to the barn to find 3 ewes had already given birth. Two...
  9. P

    Navajo Churro?

    Navajo-Churro are a rare breed that is hard to find, at least in the eastern part of the country. You might try the ALBC ( American Livestock Breeds Conservancy) for a list of breeders. There are a couple in MA and VT. Hope this helps you in your quest!
  10. P

    Alardy goats from kSA

    With ears like those I don't believe they would be comfortable with the winter we have had so far...:(
  11. P

    tennessee fainting goats???

    I raise reg. stock and find them for the most part very tame and easy to handle. They are classed as a meat goat because of their muscleing(sp?) They come in all sizes from small to large and all colors. I prefer the large size and breed for mostly traditional black & white. Have had losses from...
  12. P

    "SHEEP" Magazine,A Valuable Resource???

    I have been a subscriber for several years now and yes there is always room for improvement in all of the magazines I get but in general it is good reading. It covers various topics of sheep- meat, wool, dairy, etc. as well as info on predator control and other related topics. Seems like they...
  13. P

    saw first angora

    Raised them for a while but has been years ago. They are not quite as hardy as most goats, they do best in a very dry climate( think Texas) Of course they have to be sheared once or twice a year too. Kenneth- Where was the sale that you saw him? I live 'bout 45 min. from Dobson up in Carroll Co. Va.
  14. P

    Alardy goats from Masarra farms.

    Thank you so much for posting photos of the sheep and goats from your part of the world. Really are beautiful animals, bring some over to the US! You would have no problem at all selling them.
  15. P

    First NY lambs new lamb happy/sad news 2.3.11

    The older ewe does look somewhat thin, be best to have a separate stall for her and the lamb where she can have access to all the good hay she will eat and also some good high protein feed (14-16%) Don't start her off on a great quanity of feed but just increase it daily til she is getting maybe...
  16. P

    How soon could she be due?

    How long has the ram been with the ewes? Gestation is approx. 5 months more/ less. When the ewes start to bag it can be anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Some of mine don't really show a milk bag ahead of time and then just surprise me with lambs. Another sign you might watch for is...
  17. P

    Livestock Guardian Dogs

    After losing not only lambs but grown goats as well to coyotes I got a Pyr pup a couple of months ago. He is 5-6 months old and going thru a bad "teenage" stage where he wants to play too rough with my too-early 1 mo. old lambs. After injuring their hind legs I now have him temporarily on a...
  18. P

    Najde sheep / New pic

    Very different looking indeed! What are they used for? My guess they are not for meat, so must be for their long hair(wool?) Have a classic Roman nose!
  19. P

    First post on BYH's

    Hello from SW Va! Have been on BYC for a few months now only natural that I would discover this site too. In addition to chickens I raise Dorper, Dorper/Katahdin cross hair sheep, reg. Myotonic(Fainting) goats and reg. Miniature donkeys. Also have a Nubian doe(hopefully for milk next Spring) and...