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  1. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant LGD whelping outside

    Ok, if you want to see some puppy pics go to Griffin Ridge Farm on facebook.
  2. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant LGD whelping outside

    Well, my computer isn't working for pictures. Am I allowed to post a link to my farm facebook page? I put some pics on there from my phone
  3. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant LGD whelping outside

    Sorry that I haven't posted pics yet, it's been a busy week. I don't have anything but my phone right now, so i'll have to post the pics in the morning. 6 of the pups are girls and 2 are boys, 2 of the girls are solid white, and the rest are badger marked! The mom is being very good and all 8 of...
  4. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant LGD whelping outside

    She had 8 healthy puppies! We brought her in the house, because we didn't want to take any chances, with it being her first litter. I'll update with pics later!
  5. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant LGD whelping outside

    We have a great pyrenees that is currently 59 days pregnant. It is getting to around 30 degrees at night and we are worried about her having the puppies outside, does anyone have experience with dogs having puppies in the cold? We will bring her inside if it is too cold, but we thought she would...
  6. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Pregnant? Update...getting close, I hope! PICS

    She looks bred to me, I don't think the peeing on a stick works for goats... We drew blood on all of ours and sent it to Bio-Tracking.
  7. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Help me name this buckling!

    Thanks! We decided to keep the name Zander. :)
  8. GriffinRidgeFarm

    OK, I need a name for my baby too...

    How about Ariana? She was a Persian goddess
  9. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Help me name this buckling!

    I'm getting a Nigerian buckling and I have no idea of what to call him! I can't post a picture because I'm using my phone, so I'll post a link to the breeders website :) he's the third one down. Y'all have any ideas?
  10. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Help me name this kid

    How about Galadriel? :)
  11. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Bucks, Bucks and more Bucks

    We've had 3 bucklings and 2 doelings this year. We know somebody who has 9 bucks and 2 does... :lol:
  12. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Telling Conformation

    Well, I'm new to this too but I have been told that you can tell conformation on a kid. I think it's true because we bred to a not so great buck this year on three of our four does and their kids don't look as well conformed as the kids from the doe we had bred to a great buck. So if you can...
  13. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Dairy goat showmanship question

    The West Georgia Open show, it's a senior, junior, and buck show.
  14. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Dairy goat showmanship question

    I'm going to a show in April and we aren't bringing any milkers. We will be bringing 9 kids ( 6 does, 3 bucks ) and the oldest and best behaved one is a buckling. Do ya'll know if it's an accepted practice to use a buck for showmanship? I don't wan't to upset the other exhibitors... :)
  15. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Cost of owning goats

    Only two?!? I started a year ago this month with 2 does... :lau now I have 12 :welcome
  16. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Sass due soon :: Kidding thread :: KIDS

    I think that tattoos count as a form of scrapie identification. I'm not sure though, we have registered dairy goats and they always get tattooed.
  17. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Griffin Ridge Farm Kidding thread! ChatterBox kidded! Kid Pics Added!

    Here they are! The buckling is black and the doeling is brown :D
  18. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Griffin Ridge Farm Kidding thread! ChatterBox kidded! Kid Pics Added!

    She kidded with twins, a doe and a buck!! Pics coming soon!
  19. GriffinRidgeFarm

    Griffin Ridge Farm Kidding thread! ChatterBox kidded! Kid Pics Added!

    ChatterBox is leaking amber colored goo and contracting! Cross your fingers for pink!! :fl