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  1. C

    Mother still letting 5 month old nurse

    It's not unusual here to have yearlings that still nurse from time to time. I would expect our doelings to still be nursing at 5 months, especially in warm months. I do have one doe that won't allow it past 6 or 7 months or so.
  2. C

    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    Any thoughts on the antibiotics?
  3. C

    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    I hadn't thought about the flies..good point. My sister has horses and I have gotten chlorahexadine from her before so will get right on that.
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    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    We finally were able to take Daisy to the vet. The flu went through our household and other circumstances made it impossible to get her there. The lump didn't change much until this past weekend and it got really big and ugly. We were able to get her there today and the vet lanced the abscess...
  5. C

    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    I don't see a wound on the outside. It looks the same as when I took the pic however. She was eating fine all weekend, but I did notice last night that she was starting to chew a little funny. I won't be able to take her in this morning so it will probably be tomorrow. I really dread it...
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    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    Thank you...that is reassuring. I called the vet and they will see her tomorrow so unless it shrinks on it's own before then I will take her in.
  7. C

    Please take a look...abcess (not graphic) pics

    Good morning. This is our girl Daisy this morning. I noticed it last night and it looks a bit more pronounced today. This is our first abcess ever in 7+ years of having goats. Daisy was born two years ago to one of our original does and we did bring in two babies last year from other herds...
  8. C

    Kid still nursing pregnant doe....

    Thanks, everyone, for your input. We separated them today and hopefully everything will work out. The spoiled nursing kid is not happy! I've never had one to nurse that long so I've never dealt with this situation. Thanks, again!!
  9. C

    Kid still nursing pregnant doe....

    The nursing kid is 11 months old. She is such a mama's girl. In hindsight, I realize I should have separated them earlier, but I was certain that she would stop on her own and I did see the mama shove her away a few times, but recently I've seen her nursing while the mama just stands there.
  10. C

    Kid still nursing pregnant doe....

    I'm worried about one of my ND girls...she is about 2 weeks from her due date and is still allowing her doe kid to nurse a bit. She just isn't putting on the way I would like her to. She's been wormed, coppered, fed separately on occasion to make sure she's getting her fair share, but now I'm...
  11. C

    At what age is it normally safe..

    OK - maybe we'll try it without a "friend" for awhile, and have him adjacent to the boys before a full intro. takes place. Thanks to everyone for the input. Will let you know how it goes. Kim
  12. C

    At what age is it normally safe..

    to put a buckling in the buck pen? We've only ever had one buck and he has a whether friend. We'll be acquiring a new little guy (about 10 weeks old) and I'm not sure if I need to buy a whether to put with him for awhile or not? I can put him in a pen adjacent to other goats so that he won't...
  13. C

    Something I Learned About Fish Tail

    A dose of copper fixed all of my ND's fishtails! I wasn't really looking for that to happen because I had heard that sometimes they don't fill in. Their colors improved - dramatically! Then the tails started filling in.
  14. C

    Need Advice...(see post #34-pg4 for the latest)

    I'm not sure I'd be so quick to call animal control. True, dog food isn't for goats, but are they starving? I don't know. I just think that sometimes people are too trigger happy when it comes to calling in the government - are they really being abused? Think about it - not the ideal (or...
  15. C

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Chunky (nick-named by my children)
  16. C

    Question - will this work?

    Thanks so much for all of the replies. You all have confirmed what I was thinking, so hopefully we'll be able to leave them and come back and resume milking. I'll be watching to make sure that all of the kids are still nursing however! They seem to be pretty good at it now! Thanks, again!! Kim
  17. C

    Question - will this work?

    Can I expect the kids to still be nursing at 16, 18, 20 weeks? Can anyone tell me?
  18. C

    Question - will this work?

    I have a question for those experienced breeders and it could apply to any breed I guess. Our family has been offered an opportunity to go to the beach for 5 days or so in the 3rd week of August. We're milking 3 Nigerian Dwarf does and they all have doe kids who are with them during the day...
  19. C


    Ditto on the above. We dam raise and our babies are annoyingly friendly. With the small pen it will be even easier - just handle them daily.