I am thinking of allowing our next rabbit to live inside with us (it's a pet) but hubby keeps saying the house will stink. Is this so? If we keep the cage clean (as it should be) would our house have a bad odor? Any thoughts.
I saw this as someone's handle here and thought, WHAAT???
Really, is there such a thing? How cool!! We have a few flemish and a couple NZ's, but a Flemish Lop!! I WANT ONE!!!!! Okay, maybe two.
Where would we find such a phenom???
Thanks all.
WOW, how exciting! Hubby is convinced we need one (some) to pull the fam in a wagon for transportation. Now something else I need to read up on. I have no idea where we would even acquire them. Was reading Firefox 2 the other day and a 70 y/o lady was riding hers. She's had him since he...
You knowwwww, I need to tell this to Lee.
Too, I think he is looking into free-ranging them (or some such stuff) in an effort to save on feed.
Thanks, Aggie.
Yeah, they have the 50#. I should have written "buy in bulk" or something. Our bunny bunch is ripping through 50# bags like it's nothing. I called one of our suppliers who said he buys 50#, but as some good folk here he buys bags and bags of it at a time. Being that wholesale is...
Hey there,
Thanks all. I am going to present these suggestions to Lee when he gets here.
Thanks again.
P.S. Okay, I was embarrassed to ask, but what they hey I won't learn if I don't. Where I come from "coop" stands for cooperative . . . so what type of "co op" am I looking for in our...
Hello Rabbit Enthusiasts!
We have upwards of 35 rabbits and at this point we visit our local feed store a little less than weekly to purchase rabbit pellet food. We were advised to feed 8 ounces a day/rabbit and were told that overfeeding would discourage breeding. We have GOT to do better...
WHATT? Wow, thanks Grazer. I'm immediately going to share this with Lee 'cause we are in need of guardian livestock and are researching the possibilities. We are breeding rabbits for family meat and this is a need to know for sure.
Our terriers are killing our ducks and chickens (and they must go post haste) and we MUST locate guardian livestock dogs A.S.A.P. We are in Central FL and think we should stay away from the beautiful Great Pyrenees (plus we heard they wander a lot). Being new to small farming we do not have...
THIS is encouraging. "Weed seed", eh. Never heard of it (then again I'm new to all of this). :) Thanks, Capretta. I just told hubby about it and we'll be on the lookout for some 'cause we want to be getting goats soon.