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  1. C

    Poisonous plants?

    When I lived in Texas, the vet told me no oak leaves or leaves from trees that bear fruit with a pit. But check with your Local Ag Extension office.
  2. C

    I need name ideas for my two new baby goats!

    They're so cute! How about Angel or Noelle or Lola or Chloe or Ella or Lilly.
  3. C

    My new goat needs a friend....what should I get?

    He is soooo cute! I would get him a wether or a doe. I agree with helmstead that if you get a doe, be prepared to hear her bellow from October to March. Since it looks like he has horns, I would try and get a breed that is going to be close to his size, so when they play, they'll be evenly...
  4. C

    Doeling with 4 teats

    I'm not sure about health problems. I don't know why they said don't breed her other then the defect can be passed down. Maybe a vet could answer about health problems. I do know the lady that I got the goat from was going to kill her because of the defect. She only wanted show quality...
  5. C

    Doeling with 4 teats

    I had a doe that had 2 teats on one side. By the time I got her, she had already been bred. She gave birth with no problems and the baby had no problems feeding. Of course the defect was only on one side and not both so the baby had a normal teat to use as well as the abnormal one. Her...