Search results

  1. RamblingCowgirl

    Natural Remedies For Rabbits?

    Just looking for any resources on using homeopathy or herbs for rabbits. I have found general information as far as herbs go, like ones that are good for reproduction and so on. Although I wouldn’t mind more reference material at all. Thanks
  2. RamblingCowgirl

    Homeopathy for e. Cuniculi?

    Wondering is anyone here has used Phosphorus to treat EC? I did find an article on it being effective, but it was basically saying that is took effect after 1-24 hours after each dosage. And 6c 30c and 200k were all effective. So… should I do 6c a day for 28 days? I should just treat my whole...
  3. RamblingCowgirl

    Lamb care, worming and such?

    That is actually one of the few things I already know about sheep. We will be changing to a sheep safe mineral block (our goats get copper 3-4 times a year) and the base of our grain mix is 14% creep feed. They seem to be thriving. They are playful and growing like weeds. My husband is already...
  4. RamblingCowgirl

    Lamb care, worming and such?

    Okay. Thank you all. So dewormers labeled for sheep work well? In our area with goats the only wormers that work are off label wormers for cattle. The lambs look really good, but I'd like to have the right stuff on hand if we need it. Internal parasites are horrible here. We live in a wooded...
  5. RamblingCowgirl

    Lamb care, worming and such?

    Long story short we have a pair of bottle lambs from a friend of the family who didn't have time for them. We raise dairy goats, but I don't know too much about sheep. We start worming our goats pretty young, and use coccidiosis prevention... What do lambs get? And when? At what age/size do you...
  6. RamblingCowgirl

    Did you know that possums do not carry rabies?

    Yep, I used to have some as pets. Very neat animals. They even used a litter box. Most of the time if you can scare them, they wont come back.
  7. RamblingCowgirl

    Can a living fence keep in Nigerian Dwarf Goats and Large Fowl Poultry?

    I really love the idea of a living fence. I spent a lot of time looking into them last year. was one of the most detailed articles I found. The osage orange {aka hedge apple, horse apple....} grows very...
  8. RamblingCowgirl

    Cocci prevention..chem free?

    What a useful topic! Thank you OP for asking :D Around here parasites of all sorts seem to be thick. We also found out that lack of copper can cause parasite issues to boom. It's not chem free, but I've been told Toltrazuril Baycox works best, not sure of the dose. It's marketed for horses...
  9. RamblingCowgirl

    Opinions On Goat Breeds

    I love ND's and Minis!!! If you go with the right lines some of those ND girls are packing in the whole teats/udders department. I had one who as a FF had the same teat size as some standards. I did have some ND/Pygmy crosses that teat size was an issue. I think leaving the kids on the doe helps...
  10. RamblingCowgirl

    Purebreds vs crossbreds

    Lots of good advice :thumbsup I'll share what little I know. Some of the breeds tend to cling to the herd more, like Pyrs. Right now we have Ralph an 8mo 75% Pyr 25% Anatolian that is a dream. We just have a few acres and the only time she leaves is if I let her fallow me when I go on a walk...
  11. RamblingCowgirl

    Thoughts on this??? Kittens with hair loss - pic

    I was kinda wondering if it could have been from our tom. But I figured if he had done it he would have just killed them. I never really see them around him ether, that doesn't mean he didn't pass them by in a bad mood one day. I know what your talking about with the grass, I've seen that happen...
  12. RamblingCowgirl


    I'm no rabbit junkie but my hubby is. He used all types of mutts in the past. And was a fan of a mini lop cross {mini lop, not those tiny Holland lops. Right before we got together most of his breeding stock died of old age. Now we have a large brown mutt buck, a NZ buck, and 3 does. I'm a fan...
  13. RamblingCowgirl

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    I've just been reading about using DE as a wormer for puppies and kittens. I think I'm going to try it on my kittens and my mother is going to try it on her puppies. I'll try to remember to come back and post on how well it worked.
  14. RamblingCowgirl

    Thoughts on this??? Kittens with hair loss - pic

    My first thought was snake bite. But after two weeks her brother has the same thing and he also has tiny tuffs of hair coming off his body, not large enough to see skin under it they are so small I almost didn't see them, it looks like mild rain rot on a horse...I mite be dealing with separate...
  15. RamblingCowgirl

    cat licking sores on neck

    I used to have a cat that would do that. But mostly in the winter, and not just on his neck. It out of boredom more then anything else, although he did it even more when he got stressed out. There is a term for it although I've forgotten what it is. I don't guess this is overly helpful other...
  16. RamblingCowgirl

    Cookies kidding thred...still another bottle kid

    On the 18th Cookie had twins. A little brown boy, and big black girl. I've been up on the hill trying to wait out this nasty ol rain. And we don't have a computer out there, let alone the net. And do to the rain I don't have meny pics...yet ;) Every one is doing good though. We are up to a herd...
  17. RamblingCowgirl

    Cookies kidding thred...still another bottle kid

    Thank you. I'm really really exicted about the Alpine, I've always love the breed. Be never could get my hands on nice stock. Now I'll be on the hunt for some nice does. There will be more pics, I think after Cookie kids I'll post a bunch on my blog. We should be having geese, guineas, and foals...
  18. RamblingCowgirl

    Cookies kidding thred...still another bottle kid

    Well still nothing new from Cookie {big shocker right} but I did get an e-mail from a lady in the next town. My Alpine buckling has be born! She sent me pics of the birth and all. Here is a look at him Not sure when I get to pick him up yet, but still very excited! :celebrate Now come on...
  19. RamblingCowgirl

    Bottle Baby...coughing after feeding?

    I started feeding a little more last night, he is getting 7oz now. I just got him on thursday so I did want to change a lot of things. He 8lbs. Some one has to pick up that other nipple today. My mother went yesterday, but forgot about it. As for bottle temp, he drinks it just as fast. Witch...
  20. RamblingCowgirl

    Help Me Choose a Baby!

    Same thing happend with me yesterday watching my bottle buckling. Lol Congrats! I love the name. :thumbsup I my self am rather random when it comes to names...and it can take me days, even weeks to come up with one.