Loving the herd life
We got Cookie and two other LaMancha does last fall. The lady said she was due sometime in march. I ment to start this sooner, but I do have a time line of pics though they are not the best. She is the only one bred, and I'm glad cuz I don't think I could take moving, planning our wedding, and watching three prego does with two being first timers.
Sorry that they are through the fence and just not so good. I didn't have anyone to hold her and I don't have a stand yet...we still have a lot of work to do up there. Wish I coulda got some udder/hoo hoo shots. She had a nice full udder, but no wax and no goo...I really hope they come soon
Jan 23rd
Jan 31st
Feb 26
March 6th yesterday. She was very very grumpy and wouldn't be still for very long. I almost think she was in pre labor, but didn't act like she wanted to have it last night.
They stay on our land with my fiance, while I live part of the time with my parents {kinda strange I know} But I'm not sure how she was this morning, cuz I'm here and she is there. And while my fiance loves the goats, he has be feeling sick so he mite have fed them with out even looking at them. I plan to go out there this after noon and stay. I wish I did last night but there was some poeple I needed to get back to.
She kidded befor like a pro, so I'm not worried but still want to be on hand.
Sorry that they are through the fence and just not so good. I didn't have anyone to hold her and I don't have a stand yet...we still have a lot of work to do up there. Wish I coulda got some udder/hoo hoo shots. She had a nice full udder, but no wax and no goo...I really hope they come soon
Jan 23rd
Jan 31st
Feb 26
March 6th yesterday. She was very very grumpy and wouldn't be still for very long. I almost think she was in pre labor, but didn't act like she wanted to have it last night.
They stay on our land with my fiance, while I live part of the time with my parents {kinda strange I know} But I'm not sure how she was this morning, cuz I'm here and she is there. And while my fiance loves the goats, he has be feeling sick so he mite have fed them with out even looking at them. I plan to go out there this after noon and stay. I wish I did last night but there was some poeple I needed to get back to.
She kidded befor like a pro, so I'm not worried but still want to be on hand.