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  1. C

    To Disbud or Not

    That is absolute genius! I'm still waiting for my two to be ready to come home and had made the decision not to disbud. I was reading this thread and getting nervous about my decision. Now that has been to resist the urge to go for a ride? ;)
  2. C

    Is my plan impractical or has this been done?

    Yes, that's the decision I've finally come to. I was under the impression that the stink would be seasonal but I guess not. Thanks for all your help!
  3. C

    Hello from FL!

    Not boy is intact. Just posted about it under behaviors because I had questions about that too. Worried about that too. How do I make sure they are eating well other that just taking her word for it? She seems to truly care for her animals and everyone looked clean and happy and...
  4. C

    Is my plan impractical or has this been done?

    What I basically had in mind was fencing down the middle of their area so that they can still be together and not be lonely but won't be able to get into any mischief. Maybe that would be torture (so close and yet so far)? I only plan to keep them seperate through her first season though, so I'm...
  5. C

    Is my plan impractical or has this been done?

    Ok ...and I apologize in advance if this ends up being in the wrong place but this is an issue I've been trying to find an answer to all day... I've got 2 pygmy babies on the way in a few weeks (1boy 1girl). They will be 5 weeks old and the lady I'm buying them from assures me they will be...
  6. C

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    Cinnamongirl on BYC too. Just remembered this site existed (d'oh!) after researching pygmy goats for weeks. Looks like I'm off to discover SS!
  7. C

    Hello from FL!

    Hello everyone! I've been researching pygmy goats for awhile now and decided to get a little girl and boy. I'm leaving them with their mother til they are 5 weeks old at which time the lady I've purchased them from assures me they should be eating well. In the meantime, I've been to a million...