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  1. fairview610

    our mixed herd

    They are all beautiful! But I love the black and white gorgeous!
  2. fairview610

    Question about predator protection

    I tried a llama always wanted one but it would not stay in the pasture would jump every fence it could!
  3. fairview610

    Question about predator protection

    When I got mine she had never been around goats before so I introduced her slowly and she has been really good. My ND goats run with my mini donks and min horses so they were not concerned with her when she arrived. There all one big happy family. During kidding season is the most dangerous as...
  4. fairview610

    Question about predator protection

    Its a personal preference really. I had the LGD and it so did not work out at all! I use donkeys and they do a great job. I have a standard donkeys running with my minis and goats and she is fabulous.
  5. fairview610

    Apple Cider Vinegar To Alter Sex Ratio

    x2 I use it in mine just because it keeps the water cleaner and in summer months mine actually drink more with it. I also heard it helps with worm load but I am not totally sold on that!
  6. fairview610

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    My is my fire dept and my unit number
  7. fairview610

    No rain in 37 days and Smoke Everywhere

    Prayers going out for you and your animals :hugs
  8. fairview610

    fairview610: Update and new girl!

    Newest first ever standard size donkey Heidi. She is a sweet girl but very skiddish, her owner died about a year ago and his family has not done much with them since. She should foal after the first of the year. Wormed here really good when she got here, gave her a good brushing and...
  9. fairview610

    Miniature blue eyed stud..N Al

    Kirby is a 3 year old mini stud non registered, he has blue eyes and a beautiful gait. He is a stout and stocky boy. He needs some work, a little skiddish but is coming around. He needs more time than what I have to offer with work and all my other animals. I would like to trade him for a mini...
  10. fairview610

    fairview610: Update and new girl!

    So I was told when I bought my mini mare Pixie there was no chance she was bred well I have had her for over two months and she has yet to cycle...thinking its time to draw some blood and be for sure! She is about 3, the guy I got her from also said she was halter broken but she wasn't, so he...
  11. fairview610

    How do you goats get along with other animals?

    Mine live with my mini donkeys and mini horses. I was at first scared to let three small goats run with a herd of six equines and kept them seperate. I turned them out together one day so I could do some fence work and they were great together, so now they all run as one big herd and love it!
  12. fairview610

    New Additions!

  13. fairview610

    New kids!

    Thanks everyone! lilhill I noticed that lol. They kill me how they dive into the food bowl like they are starving to death! They are the sweetest babies!
  14. fairview610

    New kids!

  15. fairview610

    New kids!

    Well I lost my rescue goat one day last week :(, leaving one lone goat....poor Fawny!! So I found two twins from fellow BYHer lilhill. They are great! Meet Skor and Patty :D They are doing great settled in nicely and follow Fawn ever step she takes , thanks lilhill! Not great pics two were...
  16. fairview610

    Nigerian Dwarfs for sale in N. Alabama

    I sent you a msg
  17. fairview610

    Nigerian Dwarfs for sale in N. Alabama

    Where in N AL are you located?
  18. fairview610

    fairview610: Update and new girl!

    Sweet baby boy! Pixie Mom and baby