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  1. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Kept trying with the alfalfa pellets and she is now eating them all up. She is back to her normal self aswell. :)
  2. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Thank you to everyone who replied. We live in Spain and this forum is the most helpful one I have been able to find. We will keep looking for a suitable friend for her. Thanks guys. :D
  3. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Hi yes she is our only goat and we do know that she needs a friend. We keep looking for a suitable goat friend for her but in our area ther are not many goats available. Do you think she is trying to hurt me or could she just be playful as she has always been so sweet before even a few hours...
  4. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    I really dont know what is wrong with Carmela. I fed her this evening and added some pellets to her feed and I was amazed she ate every last bit up. I went in her paddock to take her bucket away to clean it and talked to her and stroked her neck as usual, she was fine then suddenly she started...
  5. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Well Carmela seems to be back to normal. I gave her some grain last night and this morning and she is happy again. :D
  6. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Went to see her again after the water episode and she didnt rear or try to but me just stood there and let me stroke her. I gave in this evening and gave her her favourite food but will still keep leaving her some pellets just in case she changes her mind. I had read about goats being very...
  7. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    Hi thanks for the replies. Just been out to give her some fresh water. She came running to me as she always does but once she saw I had not brought her any of her favourite food she started again. Started having a nible at me then rearing again I through some of her water at her she just...
  8. H

    Goat wont eat alfalfa pellets and is rearing up at me.

    We got our doe about four months ago, she was quite thin and we have been feeding her on a goat feed consisting of various grains and seeds etc. A few days ago we bought her some alfalfa pellets but she just wont eat them. At first I mixed them in with her other goat food but she just picked...
  9. H


    If a goat wasnt fed minerals what would the effect on the goat be. Would it lead to its death.
  10. H

    Palm Trees

    We have just pruned a palm tree and wondered if it was safe to feed the frongs to our goat.
  11. H

    Is it OK to keep feeding my doe this

    We have had our doe for around two months now. She was around one and a half years old no baby, no milk. She was very thin and quite boney and her coat was very dry and rough. She is in a field. We have been feeding a goat feed which has lots of different grains and vitamins in it. I have...
  12. H


    Hi, thanks I thought it was lucky I pulled it all up from the land where our goat is.
  13. H


    Can someone confirm if Ragwort is poisonous for goats. I am sure it is.
  14. H

    Copper it

    Hi, I have been feeding my doe approx 1lb of goat feed (various grains corn etc.) it states on the bag that it has various vitamins but does not say anything about copper. I have been to various animal feed shops here in Spain but no one seems to have any copper supplements for goats. She is...
  15. H


    Hi thank you for the reply. She does have a shelter and half an acre which is all fenced. She was kept with a couple of other goats in a small pen with no grass or anything but soil. When you say she will need goat feed do you mean grains or alfalfa pellets. She has the half acre to graze on...
  16. H


    We have just acquired a doe she is one year old. We took her on as the owners were desperate to get rid of her. She has never had a kid and we dont intend to breed her she is purely a pet. We have half an acre of land and we hope to get her a friend as she is very lonely and cries a lot...