We got our doe about four months ago, she was quite thin and we have been feeding her on a goat feed consisting of various grains and seeds etc. A few days ago we bought her some alfalfa pellets but she just wont eat them. At first I mixed them in with her other goat food but she just picked the other food out and left the pellets. We then decided to give her just the pellets but she wont eat them. She also has over a quarter acre to feed on too. This morning I went in to give her the pellets she took one look at them and started rearing up at me and butting me, she is obviously getting quite upset at the pellets. What should I do should I keep on with the pellets and hope she will eventually eat them. Also what should I do about the rearing up and butting me. She has not done this before and is usually very friendly and likes lots of fuss. I just put on a very stern voice and said no to her and held my hand out to push her away. Any help please.