Just an FYI (pardon the spelling) Di tamacious earth from any hardware store works great, I put a bit on there food every week as well to prevent all parasites and its side effects are 0!
I live in Tx where its regularly over 90* If I want to breed in summer will the rabbits comply if there in the shade with fans? Any tricks or advice on what I can expect in general.... Thak you
Im a rookie just getting started but from my research if fed the best food it can be as early as 6-8 weeks but is never more than 12 wks. Im trying to figure out when to seperate from mom and the details myself....
Thanks for the reply. My plan is to have the capability to produce 25-30 rabbits per month. After I get a freezer full I may not breed them like that consistantly unless needed. Thank you for your help.
I read where either NZ's, california, or floridian rabbits are good for what Im doing but if...
Thanks to a tip on this forum I found a good hutch system to start meat production. I have the option of just putting a tub or 5 gallon bucket under cage's to catch waste then dispose of via the weekly trash or garden. After a bit more research it seems this same method combined with some red...
copy and pasted this which answers my second ?, still hope I can find some hutches to buy!
Rabbits poop and pee so much that deep litter really wouldn't work for them. Rabbits have a prefered corner to do most of their potty. So I put a 5gal bucket under this corner and dump it into the compost...
I'm to busy to build my own hutch for meat rabbits. All you can find to buy at feed stores is pet products. Any suggestions on where to buy rabbit hutches for meat rabbits would be greatly appreciated!! I want to get a set up that will feed a family of 4, TY so much for any advice, I live in...