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  1. E

    First time mom, bad mom?

    We had an accidental liter this past winter, yeah I'm a first timer, so when I did my first planned breeding I brought Lily in. Unfortunately both the brooder and her section of the hutch are too small for her to keep them with her. Needless to say, I take her the buns in the morning and then...
  2. E

    Finally doin a intro

    Hi y'all, I've been mostly lurking here since I registered and figured it was time to introduce myself. I'm Esther from Tennessee. I currently raise Chickens, several types, guineas, and New Zealand Rabbits. I'm gonna be getting into Turkeys and maybe :fl goats soon.
  3. E

    Hey everybody!

  4. E


    WTG, glad it works for you. My next project is gonna be to build a rabbit tractor. It'll be a low built hutch, about a foot off the ground with a ladder to each section, with an attached yard. I just have to finish a few chicken tractors for my breeding pens first.
  5. E

    Any ideas on breed of this doe?

    She's really pretty :thumbsup , can't wait to see her.
  6. E

    What is the earliest you wean your bunnies?

    We have 9 new babies that were born this morning. I'm planning on letting "Mom" tell me when she's ready for them to get their own section also. I'm not selling Easter bunnies this year but may next year. I know if I do I'll have a take back policy and also give information packets to each...