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  1. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    I have to catch some pictures of them playing. We hung a horse ball from a pole in the pasture and it looks like they are playing tetherball they will bat it back and forth at each other. So funny to watch
  2. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    The boys are officially one month old today. They are still eating milk replacer and we figured we were going to keep feeding them that until they are 8 weeks at least. But now they are eating grass very well and are working on learning to eat hay now. They look so much better and have grown so...
  3. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    WildRoseBeef: I agree five to ten pounds a day does sound a bit much, especially for those little guys. That's got to be at least 5 to 10% of their bodyweight, way too much for them to consume at one time--you're not raising veal calves, and it seems to me that that's about as much as what...
  4. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    Okay guys sorry I haven't posted to anything in a few days but boy has it been busy. The vet was out today, primarily to see one the horses who has a horrible case of bronchitis due to heaves but she said she would look at the boys too while she was there. Both of them have put on weight since...
  5. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    I have the vet coming to check them out on Friday. The herd that they came from was a dairy Jersey herd that was grass only and the cows and calves were in great condition. We are a little concerned that the smaller brown one, although he looks okay might have an infection in his navel. We will...
  6. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    They are dairy bred calves. Both are Jersey's the spotty one has a little bit of Holstein way back according to the previous owner. I have read some posts on here about people raising calves on grass only with no grain and wanted to try it. The little brown one looks fine. He is actually looking...
  7. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    Well I am definitely not intending to raise veal calves. The person we bought them from had them on 3 quarts a day when we picked them up. We dropped them down to two when we started them on the replacer. Now we are thinking we need to bump them back up where she had them when we got them. I...
  8. ChickenLittle

    So far so good

    We got our calves a week and a half ago. It will be 2 weeks on Saturday. So far we have had no scours and they have had an amazing appetite. They look a little on the lean side so we upped their formula to 3 quarts 2 times a day instead of 2. Hopefully that will be alright. What do...
  9. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    Thank you. So far I am really enjoying them. They have been lots of fun.
  10. ChickenLittle

    Calf With Runny Eyes

    Okay cool I was worried that he might have injured himself some how. So far they have been very healthy but I haven't had them very long so I think we are all on high alert waiting for something to happen.
  11. ChickenLittle

    Calf With Runny Eyes

    One of our calves today was outside and his eyes started running. It didn't seem to bother him and his eyes didn't look red or swollen at all but they were really weeping. Should I be worried? I added a picture so you can see what I mean.
  12. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    So far so good they have been eating like champs and peeing a lot. I haven't actually seen them poop though since I have had them but they did have a little bit of dry poo on their bums when we got them. Today we took them outside for a while. They led really well in their halters and then we...
  13. ChickenLittle

    Shivering Horse - UPDATE

    I agree I don't blanket up here until our temps get down to below zero. My horse came from down south too and she only needs a blanket during really cold temps or during times when we get that wet chilly freezing rain/snow . I also up her hay a lot in the winter because being too cold during...
  14. ChickenLittle

    New Filly, help?

    When I got my horse as a foal of 3 months we had her in a small holding pen that was about 30ft by 40ft. Not huge and there wasn't a lot of grass in it after the first few days of her eating and playing in there. I think that is key because you become the food bringer and the god of all good...
  15. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    Love the farm and the calves are just wonderful. The kids named them Lasagna and Prime Rib so that they could remember that we were going to eat them in a year or two. The lady who had them was very nice and gave us two large buckets of milk to mix in with their replacer formula. She also gave...
  16. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    Okay I will make sure to get the medicated to start. I am picking it up today. Should I also get some of the probiotic to feed to them or is the medications in the feed milk enough that it doesn't affect the good bacteria in their intestines? I am also going to ask if I can get some milk from...
  17. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    I just scored. We have a small grain, feed store about 30 minutes away and they sell medicated calf milk replacer for 73 dollars rather than 108. They have both medicated and unmedicated versions. Which do you recommend. Both are 50# bags and both are milk proteins only. That's a much better...
  18. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    We just put together the nipple buckets for feeding them. Kind of nice that they came with the nipples brackets and everything and were about the same price as the buckets that I bought that are that size without anything added. Headed to get the milk replacer from Agway and will check out...
  19. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    I definitely will do that. We don't want them to have any problems at all. I get to meet the owner and her herd on Saturday when we go to get the babies so I can ask more questions. I know that she runs an organic operation and only keeps as many babies as she has stalls to put them in. Then...
  20. ChickenLittle

    Getting Calves on Saturday

    Thank you JHM47 that helps a lot. We are going to use hay for bedding rather than shavings as it allows for more air pockets and would hold the warmth better. They will be in at night when it is cold an out on pasture during the day so they can get to learning about grass right away. It seems...