Thanks so much! I think I really got her cleaned out today. Midday one side and tonight the other. She was feeling pretty tight and I was awfully worried about mastitis, but I think we're in the clear now. She is a dairy breed, has tons of milking heritage, but was a whoops that I was given so I...
Thanks for clearing that up-usernametaken! I don't know how in the world I would have managed anyway. The baby calf is 2 weeks old and MIRACUOULSLY the heifer seems to be taking care of him. I am really anxious to see how this goes-time will tell, but I haven't had to stand by her side to get...
Still waiting on the goat to kid!!! heehee No, she really does not mother him. Today he is two weeks old and she is still shoving him around regularly. Although...glimmer of hope when I walked around the corner this afternoon and caught her licking him and that is a FIRST! He is like a puppy...
Infectious keratoconjunctivitis of cattle
I found this on Merck's web site. This is exactly what his eye looks like, but it makes it sound like something they get well into life, not at birth! Isn't conjunctivitis pink eye?
It's Colorado...not Colorade-heehee I'm sleepy I guess. Is there spell...
Wow! I will look into it. I am in the west, in Colorade about 16 miles from the Utah border. He is very vigorous right now. He is a beef cow should I be concerned about the meat? I will see what I can find on it. Vet said he had never seen one like it but we're a tiny town.
Mom immediately...
She has a beautiful, well shaped udder. She seemed tender the first few feedings but we are two weeks into this. Granted she has settled down considerably in those two weeks. Once the initial tenderness and (shock?!) wore off, I let him nurse for extended feedings to make sure the demand was...
Well, to follow up with the other post-this calf was born with a white orb in place of his eyeball. His Mom didn't take him, but I don't think it was the eye. I could be wrong. She was slow to get up after what I thought was a normal bith (one hour of pacing, etc and one hour of up and downs and...
Hi everyone! I have read and learned so much on this forum, but I am finally in a position I don't have an answer for!!
This first year heifer won't take her calf. He'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow and every feeding has involved me in some way although I have seen him run her down for a sip here...