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  1. C

    Kid snatched from death, but wont suck after days of tube feeding.

    I went ahead and wormed her and got some goat drench. She put up quite the fight tonight over the tube. I think we're going to break out of this issue tomorrow. Or at least get closer!!
  2. C

    Kid snatched from death, but wont suck after days of tube feeding.

    Yeah she's had the baking soda all along. I bet its b-vitamins and selenium. And the E. I think i actually have all of those! I was wondering about waiting for her to get hungry enough, but just like you said... it seems too tricky. She goes from 9pm at night to 9am without feeding, and she's...
  3. C

    Dead buckling-Cocci?

    poisoning maybe? I don't know if cocci can kill that fast... I've had already questionable kids that seemed to be improving suddenly up and die on me. But not one that was previously okay.
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    Tip of doe's ear is half chewed off

    Yeah, blue kote. Or iodide. Can you pick up no chew spray? the sour stuff thats for cats that chew their claws? spray your does ears and the whether wont want to chew them anymore.
  5. C

    Kid snatched from death, but wont suck after days of tube feeding.

    I have a goatling that nearly died. Her buddy did succumb. I had to resort to tube feeding both, three times a day since last thursday. The one that is still with us is on the upswing. Stopped the scours, starting to get pellets! YAY! still weak and roach backed with stomach pain. She's about 10...
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    What are you canning or freezing right now? (2010)

    There's the weck canning supplies, but theyre their own thing- they use those rubber ring gaskets. All the canning supplies out there (ball, kerr, etc) are owned by the same company, and they dont have anything BPA free because the company defends the safety of the chemical in their products.
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    One sheep tends to only need about 1/3 an acre of pasture, provided its good pasture. A pair of sheep would probably survive well on half an acre or so. This is for their feed need- sheep can live happily in the space of a normal sized suburban yard, provided they have hay and the area is kept...
  8. C

    Improvised Milking Supplies

    I think there should be an ever existing thread of these inventions. The prices on milking equipment is RIDICULOUS and uncalled for! This is such a much better idea than paying 80 bucks for a stainless milk filter.
  9. C

    How much to pay?

    Iam in the NE too, glen. There's one breeder of very fine registered 3rd generation miniature nubians in MA- have you seen them in wantaddigest and craigslist? They sell their does, in milk, for over 300 bucks. FOR ONE GOAT! To me thats really too much. But if I were starting into something...
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    Raw milk

    let me link you up a little here: legal review of raw milk safety this is a great review- very thorough. multiple links this site is full of info for good decision making- and its surprisingly unbiased. another site with more info- slightly biased towards the benefits of raw milk... okay...
  11. C

    Raw milk

    You're actually more likely to get a milk born disease from pasteurized milk than raw. The deciding factor is the milking parlor and kitchen. If the animals are clean, the parlor is clean, and the milk is handled properly its actually safer than the stuff in the stores. Thats been proven many...
  12. C

    Starting with goats - A Dilema

    If it were me I'd let her know that you'll lose the deposit if she cant sell them outright in the next week or so- so you're not leaving her without any gain. and then go ahead with the other goats that more closely fit your needs. It makes the most sense to have two does and a whether. The...
  13. C

    What are you canning or freezing right now? (2010)

    I am too chicken to try canning. Iam too afraid of killing my family. But I dry and freeze. I need to dry some onions, and Iam out of powdered cheese- so thats on the to-do drying list. I am becoming quite the drying queen. Like I dont have enough to get done, berry season is starting and...
  14. C

    Hay holders??

    Glenolam I love yours! I am glad someone asked this question because I've been wondering just how to serve hay to my goats.. I (stupidly) thought a hay net was a good idea when we first got the babies (again- only had sheep and cattle all my life) well I hadnt even HANGED IT ON THE WALL before...
  15. C

    think my baby goats neck is broken (not broken but died just now)

    Floppy kid syndrome, thats the name I was trying to remember. Thats a shame. Its not fun to lose babies. :(
  16. C

    How much to pay?

    Any goat in my area, that is in milk tends to go for around 100-200+ depending on registration. Even unregistered goats in milk will fetch 150 usually. If it were a male kid the price wouldnt change much- but a doe kid would probably nearly double the value.
  17. C

    Wethers Stay in Barn...

    I was just thinking the same thing- its so bloody hot right now, goats tend to lounge around chewing their cud when its hot. They dont forage very much in the extreme heat unless theyre good and ready to- and certainly wont spend much time romping around. Dont worry, it'll cool off and they'll...
  18. C

    Lyme disease?

    I had wondered the same thing but never looked into it until recently. yes, pets and livestock can and do get lymes. "2.15 Can pets get Lyme disease? The Lyme Disease Foundation states that pets can get Lyme disease, and the illness can affect individual pets quite differently. Some animals...
  19. C

    T or U posts for wire field fencing?

    Well if its as simple as you suggest- the cost for wood posts would be the same as 6 foot u posts anyway... and then I could run my top and bottom rails. It would be a far more secure fence.
  20. C

    think my baby goats neck is broken (not broken but died just now)

    I've heard of this before but cant think of what its called- weak kid syndrome, or maybe its what CAE looks like in newborns... I really cant remember. I have a few friends that are goat farmers, have been for decades, and this is exactly what they have told me to watch for. Unfortunately they...